One or two hearing aids

Posted by imallears @imallears, May 28, 2019

Hi all,

I have a profound bilateral hearing loss...started out with one hearing aid then progressed to 2 because all Professionals tell you 2 is better for balance etc.
That’s true to a certain degree . My right ear is the good one and over the years I have learned that using only the good ear provides a better hearing experience in certain situations.

I try to wear both as much as possible and generally do so in the normal day to day life. However, in noisy situations such as auditoriums, parties and some restaurants I take the left aid out. I can cope with all the extraneous noise better even though I have noise suppression programs. I actually understand better with only the good ear aided. I have been doing this for quite a few years after 40 years of wearing hearing aids and wonder how many others feel about 2 versus 1 aid....or CI.

Regards from FL Mary

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To read your post @ Mary it’s like hearing my own thoughts/feelings. I am in agreement with all you said. I think the bottom line is I’m going to assess the situation & do what works best like you do.
I wonder if wearing the one in my ‘hearing’ ear (not 100%) will keep it from getting worse. Good to read your post


A few years ago I asked the VA doc about an implant. Not much of a reply... just mentioned that it's a possibility., and I've never checked further.

Just night, just before bed, I swabbed my ear canal with iodine. The pain is now gone completely, hope that lasts!

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A nurse from the VA clinic here in Rockford phoned this afternoon. I mentioned the iodine swabbing, expecting a lecture. Her only reply was to get back in touch with them if the problem continues. I'm off to bed, and I can already feel the start of slight pain. Time for the iodine trick?


A nurse from the VA clinic here in Rockford phoned this afternoon. I mentioned the iodine swabbing, expecting a lecture. Her only reply was to get back in touch with them if the problem continues. I'm off to bed, and I can already feel the start of slight pain. Time for the iodine trick?

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I did mention our helpful conversations here at the Mayo Clinic site. Again, expecting a lecture from the VA nurse, but she didn't comment. A month or so ago, I contact the VA's "Triage" line. The Doc at the VA clinic didn't like that. When I mentioned the Triage nurse' advice she got snippy, commented "Are you gonna listen to her, or are you gonna follow my advice?"


A few years ago I asked the VA doc about an implant. Not much of a reply... just mentioned that it's a possibility., and I've never checked further.

Just night, just before bed, I swabbed my ear canal with iodine. The pain is now gone completely, hope that lasts!

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For Vets, here's our.....

- VA Nurse Triage Line (call 24/7)


That number has been a Godsend. Until just a few months ago, I didn't even
know Triage existed.

Somewhere along the line a doctor or nurse, probably while I was at the VA
hospital in Madison, Wisconsin for a routine checkup, gave me that number.

The VA has provided me with excellent health care over the years, mostly at
hospitals in Madison and Phoenix.

There's only a clinic here in Rockford, and getting their attention can be
a hassle at times. I think they're under-staffed, mainly because of the
Covid pandemic.

A fact I wasn't made aware of until recently.... every VA facility, even
clinics, has a doctor or nurse on site 24/7 to handle emergency situations.

Triage has a direct phone line to the doctor or nurse.

In the few times I've contacted them, they've scheduled an appointment for
the following day, or two.

So, if you're a vet.... Triage may be worth considering.


Although I have aids for both ears, I only use the right.

According to the VA, speech recognition in my left ear is only 60%. Distortion from the left aid is hindering, so I only use the right.


Thumbs Up! Let us know what you learn.

You may be interested in participating in the online Veteran's Group that is sponsored by the Hearing Loss Assn. of America (HLAA)

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Thanks for that link, I'll check it out.


I encourage you veterans to consider participating in the Virtual Veteran's HLAA Group. They have an online meeting coming up on April 18th.

Lots of good information at this link.


I second Julie’s suggestion to join HLAA’s Veterans Chapter. Our meetings are informal and discussions reveal many differences between VA facilities. Veterans, caregivers, and spouses are welcome.


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