Anyone have any nebulizer recommendations?

Posted by marlin @marlin, Nov 3, 2021

Does anyone have any nebulizer recommendations. Would like something compact and easy to clean. Also any online sites that people recommend to get your supplies such as nebulizer and saline vials from? briefly looking it seems like there are a lot of options and they are fairly inexpensive.

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I have three nebulizers. The one I use most days, the workhorse, is my Ombra. It’s what they recommend at National Jewish Health in Denver Colorado.

I like it because I can attach my Aerobika to the nebbing cup and it cuts down on time. It’s also my most powerful machine.

Linda Esposito


All of you that use the Pari Trek portable nebulizer, how long does it take to nebulize a vial of saline solution.
I found the Pari ProNeb took me an hour to neb a vial of saline. Anyone else have that problem?

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Sally, I use a Pari Trek S nebulizer when I travel and I don’t recall it taking more than 10-15 minutes to nebulize saline, if that long. I haven’t really timed it but will try to do so on my next trip. I use the Pari LC Sprint nebulizer cups.


Sally, I use a Pari Trek S nebulizer when I travel and I don’t recall it taking more than 10-15 minutes to nebulize saline, if that long. I haven’t really timed it but will try to do so on my next trip. I use the Pari LC Sprint nebulizer cups.

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Thank you!


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Sue,Thank you for your response. I use=
d the ProNeb twice and called Pari and they sent me a new one. I had the sam=
e problem with the new one. The cups do not let any of the vapor escape.Where do you purchase the cups you are referring to that they use in t=
he hospital?Do you Have the Pari Sprint?Thanks,SallySent from my iPadOn Apr 10, 2023, at 2:26 PM, Mayo Clinic Connect=

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You need new cups! I had an issue with the sprint cups and replaced them with new ones and started cleaning them by either boil or the vinegar soak. Now no issues with amount of time to nebulize the saline.


Here's an example, I look for the best price and buy multiples:

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Thank you so much! That is what I am looking for. It has an opening in the back for the vapor to escape. The sprint has a tiny hole with a rubber flap over it so none of the vapor escapes.


You need new cups! I had an issue with the sprint cups and replaced them with new ones and started cleaning them by either boil or the vinegar soak. Now no issues with amount of time to nebulize the saline.

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It happened the first time I used them. I washed them well and tried two more times with the same results. I even had Pari send me a new machine after the first try.
I bought totally different cups to try that Sue recommended.
Thank you for your response.


It happened the first time I used them. I washed them well and tried two more times with the same results. I even had Pari send me a new machine after the first try.
I bought totally different cups to try that Sue recommended.
Thank you for your response.

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Did you try the new filter yet? That is pretty odd that it happened with new cups and a new compressor. It really makes no sense! Unless it is the filter.


Did you try the new filter yet? That is pretty odd that it happened with new cups and a new compressor. It really makes no sense! Unless it is the filter.

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I called the company and they sent me a whole new machine. It still happened with the new compressor. I think it is the cups. I bought new cups that Sue recommended and am waiting to see how they work.


Sally, I use a Pari Trek S nebulizer when I travel and I don’t recall it taking more than 10-15 minutes to nebulize saline, if that long. I haven’t really timed it but will try to do so on my next trip. I use the Pari LC Sprint nebulizer cups.

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Thank you for your response.


I have three nebulizers. The one I use most days, the workhorse, is my Ombra. It’s what they recommend at National Jewish Health in Denver Colorado.

I like it because I can attach my Aerobika to the nebbing cup and it cuts down on time. It’s also my most powerful machine.

Linda Esposito

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What other nebulize res do you have?

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