Blood clots leading from lungs to heart

Posted by 262mpeaches @262mpeaches, Feb 9, 2023

My brother passed away during a procedure where they ultrasonically go through your groin and tried to suck 3 clots out of his branches of his lungs to his heart. They were 90% complete and started to pull out and he began to coughing and coded. His lung filled with blood and they couldn’t save him.
Not sure if he really needed procedure so quick maybe medication 1st and a second opinion
He was doing ok just had trouble breathing when he got done shoveling
Wish he could have had more options
He got Covid in Hawaii in October and
traveled home shortly after.
He also had a clot in his leg 4 years ago and was put on eliquis for a short time.
Wondering if anyone else has ever had this procedure or any other procedures for his symptoms

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by 262mpeaches @262mpeaches My sister age 40 passed away 2 hours after she saw the doctor after she broke her leg (thought it was August 8, 2017) Too many death dates to keep track of and family members always seem to go in groups (3-4 funerals in short period of time) But my sister just told me she died on June 3, 2019 from "unknown blood disease and dozens of blood clots" and Cops wanted to blame her husband, corner told us "he didn't know what blood disease or disorder" Blood clots are tricky, the doctor didn't think about "blood disorder" when he send her home. I was in the hospital almost the month of Nov. 2020, "Hospital missed Polycythemia Vera blood cancer but diagnosed Sept 22-30 hospitalized again with septic infection and I GOT DIAGNOSED! RARE HEALTH ISSUES ARE EASLY SKIPPED AND PASSED OFF AS CRAZY - 262mpeaches @ I'm glad you know what he died of because "unexplained death is harder! Only 3 of 10 sibling in my dad family made it too adult hood (he watched many of his brothers and sisters died from tonsillitis, pancreatitis, rock thrown at his head, infections, falling of wagon, pneumonia etc. My daughter almost died of tonsillitis and week in ICU Nov 20- 28 Another surgery on Thanksgiving - no one thought of "unknown blood disease" Sorry for your lose Mom side 6/7 sibling and Grandma died of Cancer


Hello-I'm sorry for you loss of your brother. But I had to say that I recently was hospitalized for pnuemonia and 3 embolism on my lungs, 3/22, and I had gone to the ER with pain in my chest, which hurt like a heart attack-3/09, to urgentcare 3/17, and 3/22, and the DR who I had seen 3/22, sent me to the ER after looking at an x-ray he did on me-after diagnosis of multifocal pnuemonia, and pulmonary emboli(3) on my lungs, I was admitted for 3 days, and then discharged with 2 paragraphs about pnuemonia and pulmonary embolism(s)-since finding decent info. On PE online, it is actually quite serious, causing death or lingering, serious lung problems. It just blows my mind how many, if not most. Health care personnel, including DRs, seem to care very little about health problems (like PE), which are deadly and,or, serious and have lingering problems!!-I have been home for 2 weeks, and I,though grateful to be alive, feel quite unwell-I think this PE is rather tricky-and that is because it is so different in each person- and also a difficult diagnosis-

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