Functional tremors: Anyone had this?

Posted by Nemo @nemo, Dec 11, 2016

I've been diagnosed with functional tremors. Anyone else ever had this diagnosis.

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I notice my tremors exclusively upon waking from dreaming. They may be evident during the dreams, but, of course, I'm not aware of this. If I fall asleep in a chair during the daytime and dream, the same thing happens.

This has been going on for years and my whole body shakes from the neck down. I've reported it to my neurologist (I have transverse myelitis) and my PCP. No one has an explanation. I don't get frightened about it anymore, but if anyone has experienced this related specifically to dreaming or has some insight, please share. It's an intriguing phenomenon.


I am still unsure what sort of tremors I have, but by the description here, I don't believe I fall into that category. My dad had, I believe, 'essential' tremor in his left hand. Never did find a cause.
The worst about mine is I tap the trackpad unintentionally, and often without even knowing.
Mine are also not 'vibration' so much as jerks.
Hope WE can find relief!


Yes, I have functional movement disorder. I have tremors, twitches, and non epileptic seizures.


I was diagnosed with FND this year by a motion specialist. He did a DATSCAN to rule out Parkinson. I have severe tremors in my left hand and intermittent left side face twitching. I am taking an anti seizure medication Primidone 2x a sat which helps some. I also had botox injections in my left hand and wrist which stopped the tremors but I have lost total weakness and inability to to use my hand. It was told it would wear off but it has been over a month. I personally would never do it again.


I was diagnosed with FND this year by a motion specialist. He did a DATSCAN to rule out Parkinson. I have severe tremors in my left hand and intermittent left side face twitching. I am taking an anti seizure medication Primidone 2x a sat which helps some. I also had botox injections in my left hand and wrist which stopped the tremors but I have lost total weakness and inability to to use my hand. It was told it would wear off but it has been over a month. I personally would never do it again.

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I’m so sorry. I had inquired about Botox as well. I was hoping to treat my migraines which are a big trigger for my functional movement disorder. Have you tried any nerve blocking medication? I find that it helps me a bit.
Best of luck to you!


I am still unsure what sort of tremors I have, but by the description here, I don't believe I fall into that category. My dad had, I believe, 'essential' tremor in his left hand. Never did find a cause.
The worst about mine is I tap the trackpad unintentionally, and often without even knowing.
Mine are also not 'vibration' so much as jerks.
Hope WE can find relief!

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If you look into more recent research, the FND causes have changed. They have found that triggers can be physical and emotional. Just an FYI. Look into research by Dr. Stone and also FND Hope studies.
Best of luck to you!


Have you looked into functional neurological disorder? I have functional movements and seizures. They are triggered by migraines and pain mostly for me. Everyone has different triggers. Sometimes it represents as a tremor or a motor or vocal tic or.


I think many things are treated "only" for the symptoms, not the "causes" and that's not all doctors, I never mean to say that, but our doctors are very swamped, and limited in what they can provide for someone like me that has only Medicare/and Medical for lower income. Another reason I try to figure out some things I might try.

I do have coverage for some procedures, as well as "types" of doctors. I am going to see today if I need a referral to an ENT because although "I think" it's all allergy, it could also be LPR from my stomach. LPR is a reflux issue where unlike acid reflux, you don't feel it. Long name is called Laryngopharyngeal Reflux. I admit to avoiding the tests by an ENT because they look awfully uncomfortable but I think I need to bite the bullet and go for it to find out for sure where it's coming from. For me, if it is LPR, it goes right along with my sinus allergies which is double trouble 😉

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Do you have lpr and what have you done about it.

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