Do Not Resuscitate Orders, ID Bracelets & Experiences

Posted by joko @joko, Mar 27, 2023

Do you have a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate Order) with your primary care physician? Do you wear a medical ID bracelets/necklace with DNR instructions? What experiences have you (or if you are a caregiver) had with Medical IDs, specifically with the DNR orders? Is there anything critically important that you should consider before you put this on your id and what has happened to people who wear it. (I mean do the EMTs follow instructions?) Appreciate insights.

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No one comes to a called-in top medical emergency alone. There is a standard procedure. It takes only seconds to look on the front of the refrigerator, the kitchen usually being near the front door where they enter. I didn't say someone searches through the whole house for a DNR. I said they look on the refrigerator.
That someone also looks in the medicine cabinet. It's just part of assessment. A person begins assessment+ then proceeds when they know what exactly they're dealing with.
You should get legal advice, available online, for your state to get specifics+ clarity.

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Instead of DNR notes on the frig, medicine cabinet, wallet, put up do not call 911 notes. Instruct your caregivers, loved ones etc. Eliminate the red lights, sirens blaring, high-speed scramble.


Instead of DNR notes on the frig, medicine cabinet, wallet, put up do not call 911 notes. Instruct your caregivers, loved ones etc. Eliminate the red lights, sirens blaring, high-speed scramble.

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Emergency responders look in the medicine cabinet to find out what meds you take. They do that as a foundation to assess what may be wrong with you. Your medications reflect your medical status.


....all scenarios are possible.. and yes putting on fridge is good idea especially if person lives alone but with four in a family it would take up a fair bit of room...etc. .. I phoned a provincial govt. office in Toronto about this years ago and not word for word but I gave scenario of if I am out of town with husband shopping; pass out or hit by car crossing street etc.,, and paramedics show up... but my DNR is at home in another town? guess what he replied: oh well your husband can say you have a DNR !! lol, hope paramedics dont rely on what one person says about the other !! daughter has friend who was paramedic and she suggested fridge too, but again, if out of town or shopping in mall, maybe dont even have our address in purse, or maybe no purse! honestly, cant think of how every situation can be covered. Our local hospital in Ontario you have to phone or visit to get copies of reports still, but they say they will be accessible in a few years! In the meantime????? Oh what if someone is out on Lake swimming and sadly has problem, or boating, would they have dnr with them? or ID? just food for thought .. and yes I would love to come to Mayo clinic but not possible .... thats why really like this site, so helpful! Thank you!


It seems like DNR's put a huge burden on caregivers, EMT, police. fire department, 911 etc.
Their mission is to render aid and save lives.

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It may be difficult for them but honoring the last request of their fellow man should also be considered an honor. Just my pov.


....all scenarios are possible.. and yes putting on fridge is good idea especially if person lives alone but with four in a family it would take up a fair bit of room...etc. .. I phoned a provincial govt. office in Toronto about this years ago and not word for word but I gave scenario of if I am out of town with husband shopping; pass out or hit by car crossing street etc.,, and paramedics show up... but my DNR is at home in another town? guess what he replied: oh well your husband can say you have a DNR !! lol, hope paramedics dont rely on what one person says about the other !! daughter has friend who was paramedic and she suggested fridge too, but again, if out of town or shopping in mall, maybe dont even have our address in purse, or maybe no purse! honestly, cant think of how every situation can be covered. Our local hospital in Ontario you have to phone or visit to get copies of reports still, but they say they will be accessible in a few years! In the meantime????? Oh what if someone is out on Lake swimming and sadly has problem, or boating, would they have dnr with them? or ID? just food for thought .. and yes I would love to come to Mayo clinic but not possible .... thats why really like this site, so helpful! Thank you!

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@lacy2 I don't think we can possibly consider all the various scenarios, even though we would like to! You have given me food for thought, though!

Back when I was working, I told HR of my DNR orders, and they said that wasn't their concern. They were also the same people who were upset because my emergency contact [at the time I was single] was my out-of-state sister! Huh? I have been very adamant about this request over the years.


It came to my mind in the last few days, that there are so many different scenarios, as we have expressed here in this thread. While I think I have all my bases covered, my oncology office just asked me to bring my POLST [Portable Order for Life Sustaining Treatment] on my next visit for them to scan into my file.

One thing to think about: a tattoo with DNR [Do Not Resuscitate] near your heart? You'd "never leave home without it", definitely! In my state, we have a POLST registry, so I would add that registry number. Hmm, I am seriously considering this now....


It came to my mind in the last few days, that there are so many different scenarios, as we have expressed here in this thread. While I think I have all my bases covered, my oncology office just asked me to bring my POLST [Portable Order for Life Sustaining Treatment] on my next visit for them to scan into my file.

One thing to think about: a tattoo with DNR [Do Not Resuscitate] near your heart? You'd "never leave home without it", definitely! In my state, we have a POLST registry, so I would add that registry number. Hmm, I am seriously considering this now....

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I have learned a lot about tattoos from my grandson who is a tattoo artist. If you don’t have much fat or muscle in that area it will probably hurt. You will see it if you wear anything low cut which is the purpose of chest tattoos. You have to remove your bra so if you are not comfortable with that then…..In most shops all tattooing is done in an open area. And they don’t come cheap although this would be a small easy one. It has to heal so you can’t get it wet…..up to 2 weeks for a large elaborate tat.

My grandson told me I had old skin lol (no offense he said but older skin is harder) and the small shamrock I wanted near my ankle would most likely hurt as there is no fat in that area. Haven’t decided on that yet.

Just a heads up on the DNR tattoo idea.

FL Mary who happens to like tattoos.



I have learned a lot about tattoos from my grandson who is a tattoo artist. If you don’t have much fat or muscle in that area it will probably hurt. You will see it if you wear anything low cut which is the purpose of chest tattoos. You have to remove your bra so if you are not comfortable with that then…..In most shops all tattooing is done in an open area. And they don’t come cheap although this would be a small easy one. It has to heal so you can’t get it wet…..up to 2 weeks for a large elaborate tat.

My grandson told me I had old skin lol (no offense he said but older skin is harder) and the small shamrock I wanted near my ankle would most likely hurt as there is no fat in that area. Haven’t decided on that yet.

Just a heads up on the DNR tattoo idea.

FL Mary who happens to like tattoos.

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FL Mary @imallears Thank you. I have several tattoos already, all in areas where I can see them. Afterall, why would I get one if I cannot see it? [The back is a beautiful canvas, but seriously? You need a mirror to see anything there!] My last tattoo was done in 2009. I have thought about getting a couple re-inked with color, as they have faded over the decades.



Awesome ! Wish I could see them all. I've seen some very faded tats on the old "sailors" The ink has evolved so maybe you can change some of the colors if you want. My advice was for those who are new to the idea and don't know much about the industry. Tattoos seem to be very popular nowadays since it's no longer taboo in the workplace..depending.

If you do the DNR...would love to see it. Calling you funky Ginger from now on lol.

FL Mary

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