Hallucinations! See message below for explanation!

Posted by btsum68 (Blaine Summers) @btsum68, Apr 2, 2023

Hallucinations, talking to people that are not really there, but do exist and performing certain tasks for those people!
I am not sure I should even present this, but I am concerned about my mental state, so here goes! For about the last six to seven years I have been talking and performing various tasks for members of my family (father, sisters, step-mother) the problem being, I am totally alone and live alone, all my family is in the Northwest but I so strongly feel and think that they are right there with me! Sometimes all at the same time, then sometimes there might only be one or two of them. I will talk (out loud) to them, asking questions, waiting for answers that never come, getting upset because I feel they are being rude for not answering, explaining certain things to them that they are not aware of, even going to the store and buying food then coming back home and fixing a big meal and there is no one there to eat it! To me, it is so real that during the day I thought nothing much about it, but then a night it would happen all over again! For the longest time, I was afraid to tell anyone then one day I decided I would tell my doctor and she just chuckled, gave me a funny look and walked out of the room so I never brought it up again until I told my mother what was happening. She was very understanding and concerned but was not sure what I needed to do. While all this was happening, there was only a select few family members (father, stepmother, stepsisters and sister) that were at my place that I felt were actually there. When I would awaken the next morning I expected them to be there until it would dawn on me that they were not and I wondered where they went and seriously expected them to return in a little while!
All of what I have said (and not sure I should have said anything at all) to me, was as real as it can get! It does not happen as frequently as it used to, but it still happens! Plus I might have left out a few things (events) that I don't remember and I am not making any of this up! @btsum68

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@btsum68, this must be very confusing for you and hard to discern what is real and what is not. I don't think you're making this up. I think you're very brave for sharing this on the forum, especially after telling your doctor was met by disbelief and even ridicule. Thankfully, your mother listened and believed your story.

Hallucinations are sensory experiences that one perceives as real when they’re actually not. They can be caused by medications, substance use, or certain medical or mental health conditions. Treatment for hallucinations depends on what’s causing them.

Do you work with a therapist already? Do you have a trusted medical professional with whom you can discuss this matter?


Blaine you should seek a mental health clinic or counselor to determine if your “hallucinations” are just that or as Colleen pointed out related to something else. Your bio indicates you’re experiencing different illness regularly so welcome to the aging process. Your mental issues may be physiological, medication or psychologically related but you require professional help to find answers. If your PCP gaslighted you try the mental health clinic first to rule this in or out.


Blaine you should seek a mental health clinic or counselor to determine if your “hallucinations” are just that or as Colleen pointed out related to something else. Your bio indicates you’re experiencing different illness regularly so welcome to the aging process. Your mental issues may be physiological, medication or psychologically related but you require professional help to find answers. If your PCP gaslighted you try the mental health clinic first to rule this in or out.

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I have tried getting in to see a Psychiatrist, but they are either booked up for the next 2-3 months or for other reasons I have not been able to and I am afraid that I am becoming mentally unstable, that is one reason I can't wait all that long. I see my new PCP tomorrow and I am hopeful she will be able to help and shed some light on the many physical/mental issues I seem to be experiencing! Thank you for replying and take care! @btsum68


@btsum68, this must be very confusing for you and hard to discern what is real and what is not. I don't think you're making this up. I think you're very brave for sharing this on the forum, especially after telling your doctor was met by disbelief and even ridicule. Thankfully, your mother listened and believed your story.

Hallucinations are sensory experiences that one perceives as real when they’re actually not. They can be caused by medications, substance use, or certain medical or mental health conditions. Treatment for hallucinations depends on what’s causing them.

Do you work with a therapist already? Do you have a trusted medical professional with whom you can discuss this matter?

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I see my new PCP for the first time tomorrow and yes I plan on informing her of all the physical/mental issues I am and have experienced, I am afraid of the possibilities of becoming unstable and having to be hospitalized! I know being alone and lonely contribute to these factors and I feel sorry for anyone going through the loneliness that life sometimes offers! Thank you for replying, take care and be safe! @btsum68


Your insurance may have a hot line for telehealth that should get you someone virtual in the interim. You don’t have to wait for your care providers to refer you but be proactive for yourself.

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