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Low Iron Levels and Weakness

Blood Cancers & Disorders | Last Active: Apr 7, 2023 | Replies (44)

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I am having an issue with my iron. The red cell is almost normal but my ferritin is at 4
. I have Severe Restless legs almost all the time. I recently learned that the low blood stores make it worse.
I am taking many supplements but my Dr won't think about an infusion until I r taken them 3 months with no improvement.
I'm so weak and tortured with TLD I spend most days in bed. I need help.

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Replies to "I am having an issue with my iron. The red cell is almost normal but my..."

Roberta, I'm so sorry to hear your having such difficulties. I might also suggest seeking Iron rich foods. I'm one who loves my salads, so I've become a huge fan of baby spinach. But there are other foods Like Lentils which includes most beans. I'm a big fan of a bean soup made with navy beans are my favorite. But there is actually one that's a treat most people don't realize Dark Chocolate, I like mine to be about 90 %. Shellfish is another, also one you might enjoy is Hummus, I like it on sliced apples. So maybe that may help and I'm one that tries to get most of the vitamins I need thru foods. Mainly since I love to eat. Just google Iron rich foods and you can see the complete list. I hope that may help.
One other thing that used to help me also and I'm not sure what I had was restless leg. But I would get these pains in my calf muscles mostly when in Bed. So I would get up and put weight on the leg and it would go away. now I haven't been diagnosed with Restless Leg so I'm not sure it would help but wanted to think of anything that may help. Let us know if anything you find out helps.
Sending a Blessing your way

Roberta, I am so sorry to hear that you have to spend most days in bed!
When you feel up to it, can you please provide more information addressing the following:
1. What does TLD stand for?
2. What type of doctor is making you wait 3 months with such a low ferritin level? When is your next appointment?
3. What tests has this same doctor taken so far to assess your "iron issue"? How did your doctor define "iron issue"?
3. What supplements is your doctor having you take?
4. Are you taking iron? What type? How much? How are you tolerating them? Do you have to take them on an empty stomach to help absorb them?
You may want to read my two earlier posts:
(1) my 3/30/23 post above and
(2) my post about having iron deficiency anemia and feeling like you did which you can find here: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/new-to-anemia-what-to-expect/?pg=1#comment-826977
I hope you will experience better days soon.