GI Disorder and Internal Shaking

Posted by gigiraj @gigiraj, Feb 15, 2019

Hi all. I'm a 21 year old South Asian female and I have been having GI issues for about five years--mainly along the lines of constipation. I do have bowel movements every day but it takes a long time & I am rarely fully cleared out. These GI issues are always accompanied by other health issues (gas, pressure in head, etc). Recently, some scary new conditions have manifested: In the past few weeks, there have been times where my heart starts beating wildly and very fast. Sometimes, when I'm tired and constipated, my entire body feels like its vibrating internally; the shakes aren't visible but it feels like all my muscles are quivering. At this point, I feel a constant shaking/quivering within my body, especially in my heart cavity.

I have had TWO EKG's and both came back normal. All lab tests for diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol, etc came back within normal limits. I am very concerned about this internal shaking. My dad says he found something about how GI disorders can impact muscoskeletal system and since the heart is a muscle, it's contracting and being affected. But I wanted to know if anyone here can help!!!!!!! If anyone knows anything at all please please please let me know!!!!!

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Im sorry you are going through this.

They did blood tests on me and put me on 5000 vitamin d a day. Hoping there is a connection and it's somewhat an easy fix. I know my gut health is not the best so I am researching things to do to improve it. I'm 34 and cannot fathom living like this for the rest of my life. Praying we get some kind of answers.


Hi all!! I’ve been experiencing the same symptoms, and it turns out that it’s a weird presentation of acid. I had tremors/palpitations/hot flashes/chills/etc. I adjusted my diet to very small meals and no fried food/caffeine/alcohol, and that reduced many of the symptoms but I still had CRAZY nighttime tremors. Out of despair, I started sleeping with my head and entire torso elevated….and the evening tremors stopped! If you haven’t tried this, give it a go—can’t hurt, anyway. I was astounded because I didn’t have a lot of the typical symptoms of acid reflux, but it seems my sleeping position played a role. The tremors will come back if I sleep on one side vs the other, so pay attention to that too.


Hi! I’ve commented before on internal tremors. I’m still having them really bad. My internal tremors are now going all day and night. Can’t even sleep at night. Has anyone tried something to get rid of the tremors or at least get some relief? My B12 is low and I do get B12 shots weekly. I asked my rheumatologist about them and she said it was anxiety and to get some sleep! Omg really?????

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Oh my God really is right


Hi all!! I’ve been experiencing the same symptoms, and it turns out that it’s a weird presentation of acid. I had tremors/palpitations/hot flashes/chills/etc. I adjusted my diet to very small meals and no fried food/caffeine/alcohol, and that reduced many of the symptoms but I still had CRAZY nighttime tremors. Out of despair, I started sleeping with my head and entire torso elevated….and the evening tremors stopped! If you haven’t tried this, give it a go—can’t hurt, anyway. I was astounded because I didn’t have a lot of the typical symptoms of acid reflux, but it seems my sleeping position played a role. The tremors will come back if I sleep on one side vs the other, so pay attention to that too.

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I have been having many of these same symptoms (internal tremors, racing heart, chills but no trembling, paresthesia in my face and a full feeling in my head. I don't consume any alcohol, and only small amounts of caffeine occasionally, very little in the way of fried food. I will try elevating my head. I also do not have reflux symptoms. Who helped you figure this out. I am just getting the "it's anxiety " from my doctors.


It MAY be vaccine related, as vaccine injuries do happen, but I have had many of these symptoms for 30 years (they are just really bad right now), so they were (in the past) definitely not vaccine related.


I have been having many of these same symptoms (internal tremors, racing heart, chills but no trembling, paresthesia in my face and a full feeling in my head. I don't consume any alcohol, and only small amounts of caffeine occasionally, very little in the way of fried food. I will try elevating my head. I also do not have reflux symptoms. Who helped you figure this out. I am just getting the "it's anxiety " from my doctors.

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Honestly, I only figured it out by chance. I’d never had acid reflux or anything, but during a particularly bad flare, I suddenly developed it. I tried elevating my head/torso and sleeping on a certain side as a lot of the acid reflux guides suggested and….BOOM. It was legitimately insane how quickly the tremors stopped once I got my body position just right — within 5 minutes or so (you may have to play around with the right position - you basically don’t want acid to be able to flow upwards at all). I started taking meds for acid reflux after that bc it seemed like a clear sign that acid was the culprit, and I’m almost back to normal (I don’t even need to sleep that way anymore). Not saying this is what everyone else has, but if even one person has what I do, I want to help - the last five months were BRUTAL.


Oh, thank you for this. I did seem to get some relief sleeping on two pillows, which did seem to help, but I am going to try an over the counter acid reducer and see if it helps.


Oh, thank you for this. I did seem to get some relief sleeping on two pillows, which did seem to help, but I am going to try an over the counter acid reducer and see if it helps.

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Make sure you also sleep on your left side while elevated! It’s most effective that way. Good luck!!!


@csage1010 @loveofdogs @lauead626 @tiggertj789 @unicorn @melben888

I have been suffering from intestinal issues for almost 6 years now as well. Along with it came the food intolerances, digestive problems and alike. I had very fluffy stool and so on. All doctors kept telling me that everything (my lab results) is fine so I started to look into alternative medicines. I started a herbal treatment with my TCM practitioner for these conditions and my situation improved and got worse at the same time. All of a sudden I had this internal shaking and also all my vitamins (D, B12,) and ferritin (iron) came down very low. It has been really concerning to me and no one knew where this was coming from. My TCM practitioner, however, kept telling me the past six months, that I would need to do a parasite cleanse if the symptoms continue to be this "off" ,i.e. improving and worsening at the same time (like new ones adding and others being relieved) but I didn't believe him as I could hardly imagine to have a parasite infection in the intestine. So I started researching for symptoms and, long story short, most of my symptoms were part of this list, especially the GI problems, but also fatigue, itchiness etc. So I did more research and found out that there is hardly anything known about parasites but there are about 200k of them which can infect humans as well. So in the end I agreed to do the parasite cleanse. They put me on two antibiotics and my situation improved tremendously! The internal vibrations / shaking (my biggest concern) is almost completely gone and I am sure that it will entirely disappear once I have finished the treatment. I would recommend anybody to look into this subject, research on the internet (Dr. Klinghardt is apparently a well-know practitioner in the area of parasites) and also check Instagram as there is recently a lot more from (TCM) or alternative medicine practitioners arising with this topics. There are a wide range of antibiotics available and most likely, if you have every travelled to a developing country or even live in one, chances are you got infected by eating from a contaminated platter.


I have had some relief from internal shaking at night by adjusting my diet to the popular "gluten belly" diet. For the last month, I've confined all eating to the first 1/3 of the day -- 8 hours until about 1-2 p.m. then no eating -- just drinking green tea the rest of the day. Celiac and "itis" symptoms are quite relieved. The last 16 hours of the day are supposed to be reserved from eating in order to "rest" your colon - and it seems to do that. Incidental relief from shaking. I tried the "diet" to lose weight -- haven't lost an ounce - disappointed about that -- but shaking got a lot better!

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