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Neuropathy Pain at Night: What helps?

Neuropathy | Last Active: Apr 3 9:48am | Replies (225)

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I'm not gonna go down that road what I think of the FDA/DEA machine. I will tell you I have severe neuropathy tbat never stops. Tried 5 meds that did nit work, and made me a zombie. One did work, but stopped working after 6 months. Duloxetine. But it stopped working entirely. And was difficult to taper off despite it no longer helping neuropathy. You know what HAS worked now for over a year? Kratom. Yes, you have to get a 3rd party tested kratom preferably from a seller thats a member of American Kratom Asociation. These physicians prescribing Gabapentin, Lyrica and all that othe stuff are clueless. I am for anything that works, pharmaceutical or natural. I have a friend tbat says Tramadol helps their severe neuropathy. No Dr. ever told me about that one though. Only Kratom, and NOTHING ELSE, has worked for me long term. It takes away 60-70% of the pain, making life bearable.

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Replies to "I'm not gonna go down that road what I think of the FDA/DEA machine. I will..."

Hello @steven120566, Welcome to Connect. It's good that you found something that has given you relief from a lot of the neuropathy pain. I'm one of the fortunate few that only have numbness and some tingling so the medication doesn't help with that anyway. I found Connect in 2016 and the one thing it's helped me to learn is how to become a better advocate for my health by learning as much as I can about my conditions and what treatments are available.

Two sites that I found for learning more that you might also find helpful if you haven't already seen them:
-- Neuropathy Commons: https://neuropathycommons.org/
-- Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy: https://www.foundationforpn.org/

The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy has a list of complementary and alternative treatments for neuropathy that many people have found helpful here - https://www.foundationforpn.org/living-well/complementary-therapies/.

Have you tried any other alternative or complementary treatments for your neuropathy? Do you mind sharing a little more about your diagnosis?

I did some research on Kartom. It isn't prescribed by many doctors. It has not yet been found to be advantageous for many people. It has interactions with many medications because of the way it is metabolized in the liver.