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Thank you for your honest and thoughtful reply. I am 60 and I have a history of breast cancer in my family and pancreatic cancer and being monitored si bio identicals are out or I would do in a heartbeat.

With low blood pressure and allergy to sulfa the blood pressure meds are not good option.

Also kidney issues which are non starter for a lot of these meds. Which is why I am asking bc I have a lot to navigate. I think my concern is also yes - the first few months or year or two the Gail is there but doesn’t stay and requires further meds and in the longer term is when the atypical femur fractures happen as do other complications - I am trying to get comfortable with the risks and long term effects. It’s possible I could do great on these. Issue is that I have taken meds before where drs say it’s okay and have had very bad side effects some long lasting and I am also navigating the trade off.

I would love to hear how people are doing 5 or more years down the line as I know this is not a one and done type of thing.

Thank you again for your response. It is very helpful.

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Replies to "Thank you for your honest and thoughtful reply. I am 60 and I have a history..."

Lots of challenges to consider and weigh. It makes it all the more difficult. I also have very low BP so was concerned about that possibly being an issue on Forteo. Thankfully it wasn't, but of course we are all different and therefore may react differently. Can you consider Evista? I know it's not one of the powerhouse drugs and not one of the first ones docs recommend but it does have some bone building effects of the spine and is protective against breast cancer. At the point that I will need to go off HRT, I would consider it.