Developed sinus condition starting 3 years ago. Steadily becoming wors

Posted by ga908453 @ga908453, Mar 28, 2023

I'm at my wits end. Starting 3 years ago I started developing severe congestion in my left nostril only. There was no post nasal drip, just blockage from something that felt like a solid mass. Initially I couldn't eat or drink a few things. Now it's everything. Eating is so unpleasant I don't do much of it these days. No OTC medications, no prescriptions, surgery to cryo nasal nerves and 2 ENTs have been absolutely no help (Strangely a drug called GABApentin works, but it's not prescribed for anything remotely like that. The ENTs say 'well, your not in pain'. True, but I'm always short of breath now and I always feel I'm suffocating or drowning. Things are worse now-Insomnia, anxiety, irritability, inability to focus. I'm in absolute misery. I don't drink, smoke or take recreational drugs. Look, I did the cold, hard calculus and if I can't find treatment in two years it will be unbearable and I'll have to end my life. To be clear, I'm not preparing to do this, I have no immediate suicidal thoughts or plans but I seriously need help and I can't find anyone who cares. I became desperate and checked with the American Cancer Society and I'm showing the majority of the symptoms of inter cavity sinus Cancer. I just need some brutal tests. Has anyone here encountered something like what I'm describing? If so, what was it and how was it taken care of?

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I am so so sorry. DEMAND that your ENT doctor (or find a new one!) do an MRI of your sinus cavity. It could be something as simple as a pocket of infection in the sinus cavity or polpys or deviated septum (crooked nose) or even a blockage that are all operable. I have had sinus problems for 30 years and it is miserable, but, not to your degree. I had sinus surgery back in 1994 and it helped tremendously. You didn't mention if you are having sinus infections or not? Are you worse when the seasons change (this spring has been brutal with all the pollen and early blooming of flowers)? A sinus infection can make things you eat taste metallic and not good. It can make you so tired and give you a tremendous headache. Don't give up. There is help out there and there are some excellent ENT doctors to go too. God Bless!


Remote chance, but sometime trigeminal neuralgia has some sinus congestion associated with it, and gapapentin is often effective with trigeminal neuralgia.

Have you had CT or MRI? Could be bacterial infection mass, fungal ball, among other things.

I wish you the best luck


@ga908453, @kewp posted something similar here:
- Can a maxillary sinus retention cyst be cancerous?

It sounds like you might need a second opinion.


Remote chance, but sometime trigeminal neuralgia has some sinus congestion associated with it, and gapapentin is often effective with trigeminal neuralgia.

Have you had CT or MRI? Could be bacterial infection mass, fungal ball, among other things.

I wish you the best luck

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I spoke to the Mayo clinic. and they wrote this after i gave them an exhaustive Q and A session
" sometime trigeminal neuralgia has some sinus congestion associated with it, and gapapentin is often effective with trigeminal neuralgia.

Have you had CT or MRI? Could be bacterial infection mass, fungal ball, among other things."

Look. Dr. Pletchard, My quality of life has taken a nose dive. I can't sleep, I have severe mood swings and I've become too impatient. If I get a question longer than 2 words, I stop paying attention.

No one takes this seriously, the excuse I get is 'well it doesn't hurt, does it? Bull Shit. I constantly feel like I'm suffocating or drowning, my face hurts. Look. I see the projection of this at the rate I'm going. 2 years from now the pain and suffering will be too great that I'lll have no choice but to kill myself. It's not a psych issue. It's a lack of life quality that's the issue.

I can't hold on much longe.

Garth Voigt
I wish you the best luck

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