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Had undiagnosed CSD for a decade, (gave me spinal taps, this was way before CAT scans and MRI scans) finally was put on xanax, which worked at different doses over the past 25 years. CSD is a real life killer, my prime good years all gone. Now my current MD wants me off of xanax. I don't think she ever heard of CSD. Halcion oddly enough gave almost immediate relief, but my DR's wouldn't prescribe it as it was only for "sleep". I plan on getting a different Dr. Peace be with you..........Stay the course.....This affliction led me to Jesus, however.

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Replies to "Had undiagnosed CSD for a decade, (gave me spinal taps, this was way before CAT scans..."

Good to hear from you, Levade. It's nice to know there are still some folks out there who are experiencing what a doc has diagnosed as CSD. When I posted in 2015, I had only started having symptoms 9 months before. Over the past nearly 3 years my chronic dizziness has worsened, but not to the point that it's disabling. I also experience what a neck vertebrae and nerve difficulty that keeps my shoulder and upper arm muscles on the left side in a near continual spasm. My chronic subjective dizziness is focused on the left side as well. It causes me to feel like my left side -- neck/shoulder to foot -- is much heavier than my right side. Thus when I walk I have to be careful where my left leg and foot are going. Really strange and slowing, especially for a 68 year old.

But GOD is GOOD! The national mental health ministry we founded is gain traction. You can check out our website at mindsrenewed.org.

Blessings to all,

Hi Roman, my sympathy to you. Chronic dizziness is a misery that allows one to work, play etc. while wishing one could crawl into a hole and hide. After 15 years of being undiagnosed "they" finally got me on xanax which set me free. Since there MAY be a connection to dementia the V.A. is phasing out xanax which means I will have to go to another psychiatrist. I've been off of xanax for almost one month with the CSD now recurring. You sound like you are functioning but with misery as a close companion. May God protect you and finally heal you!!!! Peace, levade.....(a pseud.). my CSD is confined to the back of my head, right side, by the way.

@levade - I'm not familiar with CSD. It's hard to understand why doctors would stop prescribing the medication that's been working for 25 years. Amazing! My doctor would like me to get off morphine sulfate contin, but when I tried going without it, I found fairly quickly that it was the one thing that touched my pain. Maybe the day will come when I won't need it.

Have you ever researched a substitute for Xanax? I hope your doctors find the right treatment soon. I know it can be frustrating and challenging.
