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Positive Dysphotopsia after Cataract Surgery

Eye Conditions | Last Active: 6 days ago | Replies (170)

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bobbyo - Thank you! your posts have done a lot to educate me about PD than most ophthalmologist would ever care to. Really appreciate your efforts.

Am 70 years old and had my Right Eye cataract surgery done about 12 years ago (Alcon SN60WF, monofocal). Took care of the cataract, but I still needed refractive correction with glasses. I see minor double image in RE when looking directly at bright lights with dark background. The ophthalmologist convinced me that it was because my RE was already compromised because of a prior Iris problem.

Recently, LE showed cataract, not too bad, and I had LE cataract surgery at the beginning of March 2023. (I do not know if it was unwise to use a different surgeon, but a very experienced one, who put in a HOYA acrylic IOL using laser surgery - this is in India). Almost from day 1 after this surgery, and it's 4 weeks now, I'm noticing starbursts while looking at car headlights; and the home / street lights appear in multiple layers blurring the overall appearance of those lights. Otherwise, optometrist measured the distance vision in this eye at almost 20/20. I'd end up using glasses with progressive lenses because of the RE issue. When questioned about starbursts and multiple light images, the ophthalmologist feels all this should settle down with time. I really hope so.

In the interim, I am really afraid that, with my RE already compromised, this could affect my night time driving and I do enjoy driving. Very worried and keeping my fingers crossed for now.

I do thank you, bobbyo and others, once again for so much useful information and links on this forum - I wish I had seen it before and reconsidered my cataract surgery decision at this stage.

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Replies to "bobbyo - Thank you! your posts have done a lot to educate me about PD than..."

Dear aa2023,

Surely, hope you have improvement in the coming weeks and months. It is difficult decision on when to “pull the trigger” on an eye surgery, if at all.

I had thought that I was ready in October 2021 to get my RE done, but scared off because of the fear of getting PD like I had gotten with my LE. So, I did a lot of homework and got the surgeon to use the B & L silicone, round-edge for the RE this past January. However, No luck as this RE is, at least, as bad with PD symptoms as the LE as I near 9-weeks post surgery..

You do all you can to put yourself in the best position, but everyone's situation is different and results are rarely perfect.