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Pain after Stroke
ALL meds have been tried and failed.
Neurologist informs me that there is no medicine or treatment for post stroke pain and that I cannot call it neuropathy.
It's "brain-Pain" sending constant "electrocution-like" waves of pain - eye lid, face, ear, shoulder, arm, hand and fingers - down into leg.
Doc calls it: Re-expression of original stroke.
All those areas feel like when your arm or leg fells asleep and then awakes with that 2-5 second numbness and pain.

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Replies to "Pain after Stroke ALL meds have been tried and failed. Neurologist informs me that there is..."

Hello @pmorgigno, and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Your pain sounds concerning, and I understand that you are frustrated.

First, you will notice I have moved your post into an existing discussion on stroke, which you can find here:
- Cerebellar Stroke - experience/treatment/recovery: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/cerebellar-stroke-experiencetreatmentrecovery/

What you share sounds similar to Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, which can occur after a stroke. Here is some information about it in case you might find it helpful:
- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/crps-complex-regional-pain-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20371151

Have you heard of this before? Do the symptoms sound familiar?