Small Intestine Bacteria Overgrowth (SIBO)

Posted by jacque6977 @jacque6977, Feb 22, 2017

My wife, after years of suffering from debilitating nausea and fatigue, has finally been diagnosed with SIBO as confirmed by a hydrogen breath test. It is estimated the bacteria has had at least two years to grow and may be well established. She has started on Xifaxan, at $35 per pill, but it is estimated that elimination of the SIBO may take up to six months. Her day now starts with her waking up with nausea and when she has a cup of tea and toast in the morning she gets sick within fifteen minutes thereafter. Her sickness is accompanied by violent belching, and at times she regurgitates liquid vile. The only drug she has for nausea is Zofran which does nothing for her. Are there any other SIBO sufferers that are experiencing the same symptoms, and what are you taking to reduce the nausea?

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Update: I think I was lucky because I didn’t suffer with SIBO-M for more than a year, so the Rifaximin worked for me. I am now mostly following the F-Factor diet, which is basically low carb plus a very high fiber/low carb cracker. Constipation resolved completely, and distention slowly going away. I am trying to be very careful with avoiding sugar because this is known to come back. I haven’t thrown up since September.
Glad to hear I can use Canadian pharmacy if there is a relapse, this drug is horrendously expensive in US. I am off the Allicin because it made me worse. Doing Ginger capsules, 3 Berberine per day, and 2 Atrantil per day. So far most days I feel normal!

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Can you tell me which canadian pharmacy you use to get xifaxan? I live in the US and pay nearly 900.00/ month for 60 550mg tablets.
Thank you


Our entire intestinal tract is filled with bacteria - good bacteria and not so good. My doctor explained my SIBO was caused by good bacteria in the lower intestines migrating to the upper small intestines to feed. That is due to not digesting food well in the small intestine to move it to the lower where these bacteria feed and causing problems like gas and acid reflux. I took prebiotics and probiotics for a period of time. When my symptoms subsided, I went off the prebiotic and continued with the probiotics. During this time I also made changes to my diet - omitted sugar (substituting stevia for tea and coffee) and sugar laden desserts, reduced alcohol, limited fruits to berries, and vegetables low in sugar. Bacteria like to feed on the sugars. So the goal was to get the lower intestinal bacteria back to the lower intestine by improving digestion in the upper small intestine. I also took 10 minutes before meals 2 pumps of bitters with water to get the digestive juices going, followed by a digestive enzyme after several bites of food.
Prior to all this, I took Rifaxamin for 6 weeks prescribed by a different doctor but once off it without the dietary changes, the symptoms returned.
I’m now symptom free which has benefited my heath in other ways as well.
In my humble opinion, a doctor should be open to both botanical, herbal supplements as well as a pharmaceuticals if that is the best way to treat and also test for vitamin and mineral levels to prescribe supplements to get the vitamins and minerals we may be low in that are critical to our well being.


I haven't been diagnosed with SIBO but have all the symptoms. I'm going to be seeing my fourth GI at Mayo. I'm hoping to get a diagnosis of something. Everything I drink, even Boost causes terrible belching, bloating, distention, diarrhea or constipation and some nausea. My GI prescribed Xifaxan but my insurance would not cover it even with a very high co-pay. They said that since my diagnosis was not IBSD that I could not get it. My GI at the time would not even attempt an appeal on my behalf and told me that there was nothing else that she could do for me. Someone mentioned a SIBO test that was done at home. I was wondering if I could get the name of the site used. Also, does anyone know of anything that works for belching? This community has been so helpful. People here understand what you are dealing with. Trying to explain your condition to healthy people who can't understand what you are going through leaves you feeling isolated. Thanks to everyone who shares on the Mayo community.

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Search on breath test: "aerodiagnostics"
My insurance paid half. Blue Cross.
Look into "sibosos"
to get this resolved OR another, likely equally effective on line source, is "Dr Robillard"
Personally, I am working with a local dietician associated with a Chiropractor while considering one of these two to supplement my knowledge about SIBO.
I went to a ND(Naturopath) because I was disgusted with my local physician being dumb as a box of rocks and Gastro docs not being available and finding previous interactions indicating they were not knowledgeable. . . Long story short I quickly dumped the ND also! After test results showed I had SIBO(one good outcome of this intereaction) he wanted to sell me on 960 pills to take in one month of 7 different varieties!

This gastro stuff is a minefield with many doctors being obstructions around the mines. I am not happy with the allopathic professions. Good luck. Think for YOURSELF.


Our entire intestinal tract is filled with bacteria - good bacteria and not so good. My doctor explained my SIBO was caused by good bacteria in the lower intestines migrating to the upper small intestines to feed. That is due to not digesting food well in the small intestine to move it to the lower where these bacteria feed and causing problems like gas and acid reflux. I took prebiotics and probiotics for a period of time. When my symptoms subsided, I went off the prebiotic and continued with the probiotics. During this time I also made changes to my diet - omitted sugar (substituting stevia for tea and coffee) and sugar laden desserts, reduced alcohol, limited fruits to berries, and vegetables low in sugar. Bacteria like to feed on the sugars. So the goal was to get the lower intestinal bacteria back to the lower intestine by improving digestion in the upper small intestine. I also took 10 minutes before meals 2 pumps of bitters with water to get the digestive juices going, followed by a digestive enzyme after several bites of food.
Prior to all this, I took Rifaxamin for 6 weeks prescribed by a different doctor but once off it without the dietary changes, the symptoms returned.
I’m now symptom free which has benefited my heath in other ways as well.
In my humble opinion, a doctor should be open to both botanical, herbal supplements as well as a pharmaceuticals if that is the best way to treat and also test for vitamin and mineral levels to prescribe supplements to get the vitamins and minerals we may be low in that are critical to our well being.

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"2 pumps of bitters with water "
please explain. . . thanks.


This is the best advice I've found after numerous visits to gastroenterologist, including Mayo. Mayo diagnosed me with SIBO twice. Two unsuccessful 2 week rounds of xifaxan. After extensive testing with no definitive answers for multiple gastro/neurological problems, I continue to have symptoms of IBS and SIBO. Nutrition was never raised. I've lost confidence in traditional medicine and have discovered through trial and error that I must follow the diet you describe. After being passed around to untold specialists, I feel like I've been dropped like a hot potato. Every time I see a Mayo TV ad, I cringe.

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likewise, I too have lost confidence in allopathic med docs. I have SIBO and am strongly considering the "elemental diet" as a means to make progress. I am presently in a queue to make an appt at Mayo, if they will condescend to allow me one. However, after hearing things that reinforce my experience so far and have heard elsewhere it will be hard to go down this additional rabbit hole.
My take: I believe antibiotics wrecked the microvilli and mucousal membrane in my intestines, causing the SIBO, maladsorbance in the small intestine, and migration of bad bacteria(citrobacter koseri) into it from the colon. The way to fix is to rest the entire system with the elemental diet. That is my plan. . . for now at least.


I tried a naturopathic dr/ chiropractor nothing covered by insurance first bust $500 out of pocket
Wanted me to buy 5 plus supplements non approved by FDA
Wanted me on this highly restrictive diet my IBS registered nurse & also registered dietician did not approve of such a restrictive diet. She felt once I went back to normal food symptoms would all return.
Ibguard, hypnotherapy, excersise, working with trained IBS dietician , helped me , xifian did not symptoms just came back which if you read the studies very predictable they will.
Also the studies say how many false positives there are in testing even at the hospital and really only a 5 % have SIBO is last study I read. Breath test at home are not accurate.

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I had an ND doc recommend 960 pills for me to take in one month-- 7 different types!
I walked away after dumping $500 like you.
Working with a dietician and considering the "elemental diet".


I was told by several drs too many false positives. Stool test most accurate

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interesting the docs say that it is giving false positives. I am an engineer. This test must use some sort of gas sensor to test for levels of hydrogen and methane. My test came back with a nice smooth curve showing the rise in gases over the 3 hrs of my test. It was a continuous rise without big jumps. This indicates to ME, at least, that the sample vial I generated from each breath draw(every 20 min) gave consistent results. They calibrate their test system with pure gases before they measure. This technology is old and proven and I BELIEVE the test results.
My take: the docs who shoot this down either: 1) don't want to accept the concept of SIBO, 2) don't have access or want to bother with the test, or 3) are simply ignorant of its efficacy.


"2 pumps of bitters with water "
please explain. . . thanks.

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Ten minutes before each meal I take Dr. Shade’s Bitters available on Amazon. It’s a liquid digestive blend and I take 2 pumps of the dropper it comes with. It was prescribed by my doctor and it’s purpose is to start the digestive juices that decrease with age. That helps with meal digestion to prevent food from staying in the small intestine where bacteria can feed in it creating SIBO and gets the bacteria back down to the lower intestine where it belongs.
I understand you’re frustration with the medical community, experiencing the same. I had 3 endoscopies before I went in search of a functional medicine doctor. It took 3 tries before I landed with one of the best. If you’re interested, the website has doctors listed by city and state. Each doc has a bio and their specialties.
Best to you, I sympathize and empathize for you.


My doctor is an MD who turned to functional medicine as a better way to help her patients. She isn’t opposed to prescription medication and in some cases will prescribe a med if that is the best way to treat.
No, I haven’t heard of the elemental diet. This diet certainly appears to give you the nutrients needed, especially in severe cases of indigestion. I do not understand how that is going to be helpful in the long run without a very strict reintroduction of specific foods to eat and what foods to avoid. Unless of course that is part of the treatment.


I had an ND doc recommend 960 pills for me to take in one month-- 7 different types!
I walked away after dumping $500 like you.
Working with a dietician and considering the "elemental diet".

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If you are going to take pills and spend lots of money, get Xifaxan. It's the only thing that works for my Sibo. You can look up my name and read my story on why I have to take it every day.

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