@dlupinacci28, naturally you are worried.
As you probably already have researched, increasing CEA levels can mean many things. Here’s some info from the American Association for Clinical Chemistry. https://labtestsonline.org/understanding/analytes/cea/tab/test/ which states “Increased CEA levels can indicate some non-cancer-related conditions, such as inflammation, cirrhosis, peptic ulcer, ulcerative colitis, rectal polyps, emphysema, and benign breast disease.”
I think the hardest part is waiting between tests and until all the results are in. But all these pieces are important to put the puzzle together. Googling the result of one test or the other will give an incomplete picture. Maybe put the worry into a task and start to write your questions for your doctor to help prepare for your upcoming consult after the MRI.
May I ask what symptoms led to the investigation and testing?
Thank you