Bi-rads 0

Posted by zookriz @zookriz, Mar 12, 2023

Hello Everyone,
I recently had a Mammogram and ultrasound after 3 years of missed screenings from Covid. My gynecologist retired so I started back to screening at a different location. I'm 51 years old with dense breasts and have had two prior biopsies. I received a tomosynthesis scan (which I've never had) and an ABUS (which I've never had). My doctor received my prior scans from 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019. I have to go back for a diagnostic tomo and handheld ultrasound. The report was very vague. All it said was an asymmetry but no mass was seen. It is hard for me to understand how Bi-rads can't be given with both of those scans. The report didn't say it was suspicious but didn't say it wasn't. Being that prior reports were compared, does this seem like a developing asymmetry? If the asymmetry was in prior scans and stable it would have been a Bi-rads 2. I'm so confused and the diagnostic scans are scheduled for several weeks from now. I guess I'll get copies of the scans and see what it is they are concerned about. Has anyone had a similar experience? I know most of this stuff turns out benign. The waiting is awful.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Breast Cancer Support Group.

I really didn’t feel I could add value to your life when I first read this. I hoped someone who had this experience would chime in. Then I apologize that a blip in my brain, dropped it from my radar. Lol 🥹
What did you find out? How are you doing?


Hi @zookriz, I'm tagging fellow members like @casa @coldia @trixie1313 @sparklegram who have some experience with the Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System or BI-RADS assessment categorization. This system sorts mammogram results into categories numbered 0 through 6. With these categories, doctors can describe what they find on a mammogram using the same words and terms. This makes communicating about the test results and following up after the tests easier.

Have you had a chance to discuss the results of your testing with your doctor yet?

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