Post covid neuropathy/bfs?

Posted by madmumtwitchy @madmumtwitchy, Mar 20, 2023

Hi there,
I’m turning to here because I’m at the end of my tether and feel quite alone. I had covid end of December for the second time in 6 months, wasn’t great, wasn’t terrible. Had a week off in between recovery before picking up another cold/flu during which I started getting muscle twitches throughout my body. Didn’t give much thought, they subsided after a few days only to return 2 weeks later and where they have stubbornly persisted for almost 6 weeks now. My GP is completely unfazed and thinks it’s stress, but I’m not convinced. Over the past 6 weeks I’ve been getting increasing bouts of tingling, pins and needles, numbness and in the past two weeks occasional sharp shooting pains in my arms and legs. The twitching feels like popcorn in my legs and just annoying twitches elsewhere, arms, torso, neck, face. It’s not too bad when I’m distracted or working, but oh my god at night - it gets much worse. It’s there if I wake during the night, which I frequently do despite exhaustion, it’s there in the morning but it hasn’t yet prevented me from falling asleep nor has it ever woke me in the night. I have pushed for a neurology referral which is 3 months from now but I’m just wondering if anyone else has experienced anything like this? I’m not an anxious person, I’m generally a very healthy 40 year old woman, but this is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. I am going quite mad with frustration! Thank you!

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The symptoms you describe sound very familiar! I’ve ended up with neuropathy after my first dose of Pfizer vaccine in May of 2021 (I’ve had covid since then too). It was finally diagnosed as length dependent axonal sensory neuropathy a by nerve conductivity testing (after I had to insist!) in Dec ‘22. Studies I have read about post-Covid and post-vax neuropathy and paresthesia (those horrible sensations in your legs) can be an autoimmune response - and very hard to test. They are being treated with some success with steroids or IV immunoglobulins. I’ve struggled to find anything that helps with the ‘fizzing’ legs and burning feet (particularly at night) as I don’t tolerate most medications. I’m currently trying CBD (2 months in) and I’m now adding PEA to see if that helps. Some nights are OK, others are a nightmare. I’ve been given a prescription for prednisone, but the potential side-effects scare me a little, and want to give the CBD a good trial to see if that helps, as I have no side-effects from it. The PEA, in combination, is supposed to help with nerve pain too. I also use compression socks at night, the minute I notice my feet getting hot. When all else fails, I take a few Advil, and that helps - which also makes me think it is an inflammatory response. I hope there is something there that will help.

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I have sensory and motor nerve damage after the Covid vaccine x 2 that is slowly improving. I control the nerve pain in my feet at night with 5% lidocaine patches prescribed by a podiatrist. To promote absorption of the lidocaine, I place a patch on the top of my foot where the skin is thinner. The patches allow me to avoid the systemic exposure to nerve pain medications and the side effects. Besides, the medications did not control the nerve pain.


I can relate 100% ... About 6 years ago I started having PVCs started seeing a cardiologist, which said no AFIB but just having a misfire of irregular heartbeats sometimes worst than others.. fast forward to last May I woke up to 3 brain shocks then started having left arm and face numbness and pins needles throughout my entire body.. all the blood tests showed nothing. This is crazy and frustrating !!

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Covid in my GI tract only 2 years ago. I developed gastroparesis & then started having leg & lower back pain. MRI scheduled Tues. Neurologist said he’s having numerous patients with similar complaints & finding spinal cord damage/neuropathy due to excessive inflammation from Covid. Anyone else discovering this?


Covid in my GI tract only 2 years ago. I developed gastroparesis & then started having leg & lower back pain. MRI scheduled Tues. Neurologist said he’s having numerous patients with similar complaints & finding spinal cord damage/neuropathy due to excessive inflammation from Covid. Anyone else discovering this?

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I had a small amount of neuropathy in my feet-nothing bad; but, when I got COVID, that's when it went to the nerves in the lower part of my legs with excruciating pain, which has stayed with me since!!


I have has severe muscle fasciculations all over my body for the last 5 months now. I often describe it like a Christmas tree with lights constantly flashing everywhere. There is no pain, just continuously annoying muscle twitching from my calves, upper legs, ribs, chest, stomach, arms, hands and face. It tends to be less noticeable when I am busy, but I still notice it even if I am doing things like playing golf. I also get hand tremors that are accentuated if I do moderate physical activities, like washing the car and get fatigued doing minor physical exertion. Thankfully my neurologist is leaning towards BFS, after ruling out the MS, Tumors, ALS, Parkinsons as all tests have been normal to date.
But it has left me wondering about any connection to the Pfizer vaccine booster that I had in April. I have also read about a lady that suffering from Aura Headaches (kaleidoscope vision), which I have had a few since having my first Pfizer jab in 2021 and definitely having an experienced one since April. My neurologist is sending me off for more bloods and referral to another neuro specialist.


I developed similar after covid vaccination. My neurologist said the vaccine over activated my central nervous system. No medications helped. 2 years later .. stumbled across low dose naltrexone. Total game changer. 🙏🏻 do some research on this. I only take .5 mg at 9am and again at 9pm. Symptoms almost gone.

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Hi, thanks for sharing. I was wondering how you are feeling right now? How did it go, do you still use the medication? Did your neurologist prescribed this medicine? Did you also have internal vibrations and/or pain anywhere in your body? Wish you fast recovery, thanks...


Still on the low dose naltrexone meds. 1 mg in the morning, and 1 mg at bedtime. No symptoms anymore!! 👍🏻 it’s been amazing!!


Still on the low dose naltrexone meds. 1 mg in the morning, and 1 mg at bedtime. No symptoms anymore!! 👍🏻 it’s been amazing!!

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Thank you very much, happy to hear some people are finding peace slowly. Now I am thinking how to tell this to my neurologist who said I have overreactive nervous system (with the same symptoms as you).


My Neurologist would not prescribe this. It is not FDA approved for this, and she did not even know what it was. I found a integrative doctor, actually, Dermatologist, who was willing to prescribe. You’ll need to find a compounding pharmacist, I use Mail order with Carefirst specialty pharmacy.


I have has severe muscle fasciculations all over my body for the last 5 months now. I often describe it like a Christmas tree with lights constantly flashing everywhere. There is no pain, just continuously annoying muscle twitching from my calves, upper legs, ribs, chest, stomach, arms, hands and face. It tends to be less noticeable when I am busy, but I still notice it even if I am doing things like playing golf. I also get hand tremors that are accentuated if I do moderate physical activities, like washing the car and get fatigued doing minor physical exertion. Thankfully my neurologist is leaning towards BFS, after ruling out the MS, Tumors, ALS, Parkinsons as all tests have been normal to date.
But it has left me wondering about any connection to the Pfizer vaccine booster that I had in April. I have also read about a lady that suffering from Aura Headaches (kaleidoscope vision), which I have had a few since having my first Pfizer jab in 2021 and definitely having an experienced one since April. My neurologist is sending me off for more bloods and referral to another neuro specialist.

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Have you been checked for Myasthnia Gravis? I was recently diagnosed with this.


My Neurologist would not prescribe this. It is not FDA approved for this, and she did not even know what it was. I found a integrative doctor, actually, Dermatologist, who was willing to prescribe. You’ll need to find a compounding pharmacist, I use Mail order with Carefirst specialty pharmacy.

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Thank you. I don't live in the US. I am researching on this medication and will need to find a way to have it. My symptoms have lately got bad. Thanks so much...

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