How can I raise my platelet count? (With food)

Posted by denisem20 @denisem20, Mar 3, 2023

How can I help my husband raise his platelet count? He has highs and lows. Right now he’s at a low. He’s had treatments and they worked but just recently he started with petechiae again. I’m worried, he’s never had it on his feet and arms before. Now it’s basically all over. His doctor appointment is t till about another week or two.

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Hello @loribmt, this is denisem20, my husband was diagnosed with ITP, he has diabetes type 1, IDDM. He’s had the Ribuxm (I don’t resemble the spelling) treatment and prednisone. The doctor was able to see him and he was very low, 6000! The doctor thankfully immediately called in some prednisone. That has worked so far. He’s up at 91000. He’s still on prednisone as we speak. The only downfall is his glucose goes up really high. Even with diet it’s hard to control his glucose. This time around he’s also experiencing stomach discomfort and constipation. We have talked about splenectomy but we are worried because of his IDDM.

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Good morning, Denise. Prednisone is a wonder drug but it sure can have its drawbacks. Thankfully it brought your husband’s platelet level back for now. But you’re right it can really mess with the blood sugar levels. That’s always such a balancing act. Does your husband need to make adjustments to his insulin to compensate?


Hello @loribmt, this is denisem20, my husband was diagnosed with ITP, he has diabetes type 1, IDDM. He’s had the Ribuxm (I don’t resemble the spelling) treatment and prednisone. The doctor was able to see him and he was very low, 6000! The doctor thankfully immediately called in some prednisone. That has worked so far. He’s up at 91000. He’s still on prednisone as we speak. The only downfall is his glucose goes up really high. Even with diet it’s hard to control his glucose. This time around he’s also experiencing stomach discomfort and constipation. We have talked about splenectomy but we are worried because of his IDDM.

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Can I ask you what dosage of prednisone is he taking. Also did he have a platelet transfusion that didn’t raise his platelets. I have very low platelets as well but couldn’t tolerate the prednisone.


His platelets may go up slowly on his own or I found B vitamins B12, I believe or B6 papaya enzyme. Avocados are some of the things I remember using vitamin D, leafy green vegetables, lots of salads really helped nuts sunflower seeds I hope some of these things helped.


Hello @loribmt, this is denisem20, my husband was diagnosed with ITP, he has diabetes type 1, IDDM. He’s had the Ribuxm (I don’t resemble the spelling) treatment and prednisone. The doctor was able to see him and he was very low, 6000! The doctor thankfully immediately called in some prednisone. That has worked so far. He’s up at 91000. He’s still on prednisone as we speak. The only downfall is his glucose goes up really high. Even with diet it’s hard to control his glucose. This time around he’s also experiencing stomach discomfort and constipation. We have talked about splenectomy but we are worried because of his IDDM.

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Denise, I just read your question about your husband's low platelets count. My husband is currently experiencing the same problem. Two wks ago, he took his 4th & last iv infusion of Rituximab. It helped "some," but didn't keep platelets steady. He is scheduled for bi-weekly blood tests & tomorrow is his scheduled blood draw. We will be anxiously awaiting the results. Dr says this is a result of a bad case of covid at the end of December 2022. He still is short breathed & tires so easily, plus coughs frequently. He is also diabetic type II. He's scheduled for a stress test soon. I hope to follow your info on here.

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