Metastic prostate Cancer Survivors - longevity and quality of life

Posted by ringmastr1 @ringmastr1, Feb 26, 2023

I was just diagnosed at the beginning of January and of course the news hit me hard. I have found a lot of hope in the discussions within this group. I am curious to know how long ago people in this group were diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer and what your quality of life is like. Right now I have no symptoms from the cancer itself other than weight loss (which I am actively monitoring and dealing with via extra eating) and I have no side effects from the medications the doctors are prescribing. I know that I am at the beginning of this journey and I hope that my current status stays the way it is for many years. We all need to have hope, and I am learning a lot about traditional and new Treatment options.

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In reply to @agustinferrari "How old are u?" + (show)

How old are u?

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I'll be 55 in May. Retiring in June after 33 years. That retirement date has been planned for many years and now it's even more important for me to be able to have time to enjoy/appreciate life. I do plan to get 33 years of retirement out of my pension system! 😁


I'll be 55 in May. Retiring in June after 33 years. That retirement date has been planned for many years and now it's even more important for me to be able to have time to enjoy/appreciate life. I do plan to get 33 years of retirement out of my pension system! 😁

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I’m on same plan but at 47 still need to make some money for family !


Your comments have a lot of information and your success gives me so much hope! When I was diagnosed 3 months ago, I immediately felt like I only had weeks or months to live. The oncologist then told me that he expected to be seeing me for many years. He doesn't like to give timelines but he told me it would be more than 5 years. Those statements helped my anxiety and terror. Your stories about your treatment and your 20 year journey give me so much hope! My PC is in my abdominal lymph nodes, sacrum, and L5. I'm on Abiratone, Prednisone, and Lupron. Had my first of 6 radiation treatments on my sacrum and L5 today. 6 consecutive days. Hopefully that will stabilize the bones and prevent pain/other issues. Thanks again!

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I congratulate you on your quick decision making and congratulations to your docs for their attentiveness and the treatment plan.
Keep smiling and hope alive.🙏


See my post today on Enzalutamide Xtandi


I’m on same plan but at 47 still need to make some money for family !

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@agustinferrari I am curious what your symptoms were before being diagnosed if you don't mind. PSA score? Family history? Going through the process now with biopsy tomorrow. I had under 2 PSA up until recently where it went from 1.6 to 2.2 to 3.9 in a matter of 6 months. I have 5 lesions that need to have a biopsy. No symptoms other than an achy glute that comes and goes. It might be stress induced. I am 50


@agustinferrari I am curious what your symptoms were before being diagnosed if you don't mind. PSA score? Family history? Going through the process now with biopsy tomorrow. I had under 2 PSA up until recently where it went from 1.6 to 2.2 to 3.9 in a matter of 6 months. I have 5 lesions that need to have a biopsy. No symptoms other than an achy glute that comes and goes. It might be stress induced. I am 50

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Age 47 doing great, got the anual exam back last june (2022) and PSA came at 252!. From there to the urologist, CT Scan, Pelvis Scan, Bone Scan and metastasis with 6 lesions (both hips, 2 ribs, 3 in the spine), started ADT + Eligard + Docetaxel in October last year (til Feb this year, 6 dosis), PSA dropped to 0.4.... Docetaxel its very manageable, for the ones that are considering it, go for it! with careful its ok.

So far so good, feeling good, 100% active, working, traveling (work and family), eating healthy (very healthy), back to exercise (walk + weight lifting)....making plans for early retirement...

Life it is not like June 2022 before diagnosis, things change! ADT taxes a Hughe toll in sexual life, and being positive (im the most positive guy in the world) its also challenged. But the important thing is to remember yourself: TODAY im feeling good, im here with my family, that's all it matters, there is no yesterday and tomorrow, just TODAY.


1- Did anybody applied for Social Security disability after the diagnosis? Yes yes can you please explain?
2- Who is the longest survivor in this chat with MPC? Im 9 month into this journey...


Age 47 doing great, got the anual exam back last june (2022) and PSA came at 252!. From there to the urologist, CT Scan, Pelvis Scan, Bone Scan and metastasis with 6 lesions (both hips, 2 ribs, 3 in the spine), started ADT + Eligard + Docetaxel in October last year (til Feb this year, 6 dosis), PSA dropped to 0.4.... Docetaxel its very manageable, for the ones that are considering it, go for it! with careful its ok.

So far so good, feeling good, 100% active, working, traveling (work and family), eating healthy (very healthy), back to exercise (walk + weight lifting)....making plans for early retirement...

Life it is not like June 2022 before diagnosis, things change! ADT taxes a Hughe toll in sexual life, and being positive (im the most positive guy in the world) its also challenged. But the important thing is to remember yourself: TODAY im feeling good, im here with my family, that's all it matters, there is no yesterday and tomorrow, just TODAY.

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Thanks @agustinferrari Gives me inspiration, especially your last paragraph. Did you have back or hip aches at all? Side aches? Symptoms?

I have nothing except for back/hip ache that annoying which started back in late October while my PSA was 1.6. The aches come and go. Doesn't keep me up at night, just my anxiety. Stress seems to induce it at times. I know Stage 4 can happen at any PSA level. But just trying to out the pieces of puzzle together.


Age 47 doing great, got the anual exam back last june (2022) and PSA came at 252!. From there to the urologist, CT Scan, Pelvis Scan, Bone Scan and metastasis with 6 lesions (both hips, 2 ribs, 3 in the spine), started ADT + Eligard + Docetaxel in October last year (til Feb this year, 6 dosis), PSA dropped to 0.4.... Docetaxel its very manageable, for the ones that are considering it, go for it! with careful its ok.

So far so good, feeling good, 100% active, working, traveling (work and family), eating healthy (very healthy), back to exercise (walk + weight lifting)....making plans for early retirement...

Life it is not like June 2022 before diagnosis, things change! ADT taxes a Hughe toll in sexual life, and being positive (im the most positive guy in the world) its also challenged. But the important thing is to remember yourself: TODAY im feeling good, im here with my family, that's all it matters, there is no yesterday and tomorrow, just TODAY.

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Great attitude and you are so right to be mindful of today and your family and the good things of life. Glad to read of few side effects of docetaxel and that it is working for you! Please keep up the positive posts and it helps many of us


Thanks @agustinferrari Gives me inspiration, especially your last paragraph. Did you have back or hip aches at all? Side aches? Symptoms?

I have nothing except for back/hip ache that annoying which started back in late October while my PSA was 1.6. The aches come and go. Doesn't keep me up at night, just my anxiety. Stress seems to induce it at times. I know Stage 4 can happen at any PSA level. But just trying to out the pieces of puzzle together.

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Possibly metastatic prostate bone cancer? I'm on several ADTs but different bones ache sporadically. It's just grin and bear it now but I'm still on the green side of the grass at 88.

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