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@tinatoren - what you’ve said here is exactly the situation in Canada too:

“ BUT one important factor that is mostly overlooked is gender and employment.
If you are a man with employment here you will get better help. If you are a woman you tend not to be believed and if you are a retired woman they can bury you in waiting time because the doctors dont have to sign off on sickleave and they don't have to explain to an employer why you're absent for 6 months waiting for a bunch of tests.”

My husband merely has to mention something and gets immediate attention and he is given the necessary tests and procedures. I, on the other had, get waved away.

About 18 months ago we were in a car accident. The ambulance driver “strongly advised” that my husband be taken to the hospital. I had a cut on my head which they cleaned up in the ambulance and told me it was not necessary for me to go to the hospital. I knew if I had insisted on going I would get no more treatment anyway. My husband, on the other hand was taken to the hospital, given a thorough body exam including X-rays and CT scan, and they found something that would have gone unnoticed otherwise, because he never had any symptoms. I am relieved, of course, that they found a possible problem in him that we could take care of before it got worse but the fact still remains that I was not taken as seriously simply because I was a woman. We were both in the same car accident, both riding in the front and had the same impact with the car ahead of us. He had no visible injuries but I had a cut on top of my head that was bleeding. Strangely enough, when I mentioned the accident to my physician and asked if I should get a CT scan of my head, she just glanced at my cut (which was scabbed over by then) and said it was not necessary. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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Replies to "@tinatoren - what you’ve said here is exactly the situation in Canada too: “ BUT one..."

Thanks for all your replies!
It really sounds like Canada isn't the promised land I thought it was. I used to dream about moving there but Healthcare seems worse than ours! I'm sorry to hear about how much you have to struggle just to get a doctor. Here we can choose our primary clinic according to law but we cannot choose which doctor in the clinic will see us. I've already tried tried 2 clinics and I'm on my 3rd.Problem here is that most clinics have foreign doctors often not fluent in Swedish and often way too authorative with low respect for women plus not well educated. I often know a lot more about my illnesses than doctor do because I do so much research. I want a doctor to be respectful of my input since I ve lived with my body for 60 years and I know it better than the doctor. I want to be able to have an intelligent conversation and not be told I Google too much. Doctors are not gods and they don't know everything. I'm very sceptical to medications in general and I prefer an integrative approach. Very little research ha been done on why some people have a genetic makeup that makes them intolerant to medications. They just want to prescribe pills. I have had bad reactions to most medications, probably also because of my compromised microbiome and inflammation. I have severe Rosacea and many signs of inflammation in my body but my crp is 5 so it doesn't show.
I really hope the find something fixable with my head cause this is unbearable. I need to know also if there's evidence of a possibility of a reaction to the Prilosec and nexium. I know that I have a very severe problem with my reflux and if I can't take ppis then I am doomed because I really really can't take pepcid. That is what worries me the most right now. My stomach is so very bad but Im so afraid to try Prilosec and get a massive seizure or something. I took 5 pepcid over 2,5 days and quit yesterday and today my head pressure is off the charts. I started jerking my head again. If that is because of pepcid which I wasn't even on when this started then I'm afraid I could die if I tried Prilosec. I'm just so scared.
Thanks for being so kind. We could talk on msn if you want a friend in Sweden