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No evidence of supplements helping. I am a cardiologist and got my calcium score just casually as I was giving a seminar on it to local drs some four years ago. It came 746! No symptoms, no risk factors, marathoner. Got stress nuclear tested. Just on statins/ aspirin. As an interventional cardiologist myself, I see most patients of heart attack have soft non calcified lesions. Moreover statins tend to increase the calcium score. So you know that it’s not as simple!
I don’t think it needs to be ever repeated. Just avoid over thinking and over treatment.

Best wishes

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Replies to "No evidence of supplements helping. I am a cardiologist and got my calcium score just casually..."

I'm 67 and my score was 573, I'm on statins and zetia along with a baby aspirin.
I'm not going to worry about my high score. I eat right, exercise and have no symptoms. My brother who is not on statin's was 37 and he has high cholesterol.
That explains it.

Thank you for your post. Very informative and helpful from a Cardiologist.

You are taking statins and aspirin?

1. What brand of statin are you taking?
2. How many mg of Statins each day?
3. Are you taking 81 or 325 aspirin

My new and 5th cardiologist just put me on warfarin 20 mg and 10 mg of statin. He said that with AF and now being 65 yeas and with a CAD score of 583 I had to go back on warfarin. Oh, boy.

Now sure if I should really go on Warfarin or continue with aspirin.


Thank you, doctor, for your illuminating post. I've just had my first calcium score, at age 66, which came in at 61 but with my cCTA showing 50% stenosis in the mid-LAD (and no other vessels). My PCP referred me to cardiologist and they're both urging me to get stress nuclear or stress CMR-tested. Like you, I'm asymptomatic, have no risk factors, and am a lifelong endurance athlete -- these days, I'm running, rowing, hiking and working out vigorously at least two hours per day. So I was very interested to read that you got stress nuclear tested. My cardiologist tells me the purpose is to test for "silent ischemia" due to my stenosis, which they think may now or will soon require stenting. I've been reluctant to go ahead, fearing a false positive followed by an intervention; since you are asymptomtatic and low-risk, yet got stress nuclear tested, and you're an interventional cardiologist yourself, I would really appreciate hearing your thoughts as to the considerations that favor stress nuclear or CMR testing. Thank you very much!

Do you talk to your patients about making lifestyle changes?

And now we know that marathon exercise increases CAC. Yeah, I'm done checking mine. At >2600, nl stress treadmill and perfusion studies (can't do angio unless my life depends on it 2/2 bad contrast reaction) and age nearly 77, and NO carotid plaque, I'm just going to carry on using pitavastatin, ezetimibe, and optimism (still working MD, play lead guitar in a rock band, gym rat).