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Klonopin & Gabapentin for sleep

Sleep Health | Last Active: Apr 26 11:07am | Replies (63)

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Hi @ekelks, Just an FYI. I had severe side effects of Gabapentin. Believe it or not I began to lose vision (shakey, over sleeping, bad balance like you had), so I stopped it. My Dr said Gabapentin can't do that, so I restarted it. Then came the side effects again.

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Replies to "Hi @ekelks, Just an FYI. I had severe side effects of Gabapentin. Believe it or not..."

My sleep disorder doctor prescribed Klonopin for me 8 months ago at a dose of .5 mg prior to sleep. No question, it helped me sleep, however, I developed tremors while sleeping within 1 to 2 months of beginning this med. I thought it had something to do with Covid/Vaccine but I was WRONG! I asked my sleep doctor (twice) if these new tremors (never had these before in my 65 years) could be result of Klonopin, he said NO! Not only did I develop night tremors but last few months I developed body buzzing during the daytime as well. I decided I needed to see if Klonopin might be the issue as I recently read tremors is a potential side effect, although considered "rare". I stopped taking my .5mg dosage cold turkey a few weeks ago. Even at .5mg which some feel is a low dose, the withdrawal was not good. That said, my trmors have disappeared so there is no question, Klonopin was the culprit. I still have minor body buzzing but seems to be slowly improving as well, almost unnoticeable now. This to me is a very dangerous drug and my sleep doctor is an idiot. My primary had questioned why he gave me this med. and he was right to do so. He said he would never write a script for this but he also had no idea why I developed these tremors. I actually see him today and will fill him in. For me, KLONOPIN is a NEVER drug.