GI Disorder and Internal Shaking

Posted by gigiraj @gigiraj, Feb 15, 2019

Hi all. I'm a 21 year old South Asian female and I have been having GI issues for about five years--mainly along the lines of constipation. I do have bowel movements every day but it takes a long time & I am rarely fully cleared out. These GI issues are always accompanied by other health issues (gas, pressure in head, etc). Recently, some scary new conditions have manifested: In the past few weeks, there have been times where my heart starts beating wildly and very fast. Sometimes, when I'm tired and constipated, my entire body feels like its vibrating internally; the shakes aren't visible but it feels like all my muscles are quivering. At this point, I feel a constant shaking/quivering within my body, especially in my heart cavity.

I have had TWO EKG's and both came back normal. All lab tests for diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol, etc came back within normal limits. I am very concerned about this internal shaking. My dad says he found something about how GI disorders can impact muscoskeletal system and since the heart is a muscle, it's contracting and being affected. But I wanted to know if anyone here can help!!!!!!! If anyone knows anything at all please please please let me know!!!!!

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No they don’t know what it is. I’m not anxious by nature. I think it’s related to digestion also. It seems to be better now, I am eating more ( underweight) maybe that helps. Trying to eat clean and sleep!

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Yes. Makes sense.
When this first started happening, I remember I didn’t have time for lunch and grabbed some very sugary cookies . And from that I developed the worst migraine ever.
Ever since that happened, I have to be so careful what I eat. And yes, the inner shaking affects my sleep too. I was so afraid I was getting Parkinson’s or MS.


Yes. Makes sense.
When this first started happening, I remember I didn’t have time for lunch and grabbed some very sugary cookies . And from that I developed the worst migraine ever.
Ever since that happened, I have to be so careful what I eat. And yes, the inner shaking affects my sleep too. I was so afraid I was getting Parkinson’s or MS.

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Exactly what I thought but they are both visible shaking. This is just so odd but I don’t think it is life threatening…just saying to fuel up with good stuff! I hike a lot also, lots of movement lots of fresh food…my dad lived to 105, quit playing tennis at 100, took zero pills. Ate mediterranean, and he just didn’t stress out, great sense of humour. Good life lessons.


Exactly what I thought but they are both visible shaking. This is just so odd but I don’t think it is life threatening…just saying to fuel up with good stuff! I hike a lot also, lots of movement lots of fresh food…my dad lived to 105, quit playing tennis at 100, took zero pills. Ate mediterranean, and he just didn’t stress out, great sense of humour. Good life lessons.

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The stress is the worst!
Sounds like a very good role model.
Yes. These symptoms are a bit of a wake up call
To remember how stress can take a person down and to feed yourself with nutrition.


Hi, I do have GI issues with reflux, I am shaking inside like vibration and chills, muscle pain, headache. I had blood test and they found out that I have high vitamin D the doctor told me stop taking vitamin D and supplement that contains vitamin D. Check your vitamin D,


Hi, I do have GI issues with reflux, I am shaking inside like vibration and chills, muscle pain, headache. I had blood test and they found out that I have high vitamin D the doctor told me stop taking vitamin D and supplement that contains vitamin D. Check your vitamin D,

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How much vitamin D were you taking a day?


How much vitamin D were you taking a day?

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Besides what I had in my food, I had calcium +vitamin D, also Vitamin D3(1000-2000 units)


Hi, @gigiraj I know that this post is old, but I hope that you're doing well. I too have been experiencing internal vibrations, and now stomach issues. I was reading that IBS can cause diarrhea, or constipation and one of the causes could be the nervous system. I have tons of stress, and anxiety so that might be a factor. I usually hum Hallelujah, or take deep breathes 4,7,8 method. It's helps with the vibrations a bit.


@hopeful33250 and @kanaazpereira thank you SO much for your consideration and resources! I really appreciate it. It has confirmed for me that this is definitely originating along my gut-brain axis. I am looking into VZV as was mentioned in the article. POTS does not really fit but I am looking into it as well.

I haven't had headaches so much as a building pressure in my head that goes away when I passed built-up gas. I looked at @ calical's post about their seizures and luckily, what I am experiencing is nowhere near that severe. @ tigertoo's suggestion on Transverse Myelitis is a possibility (according to symptoms on John's Hopkins' website): I have bowel issues, my legs/arms can sometimes feel heavy/odd, and sometimes I have pain [more like soreness] in my lower back/hips when I've eaten but am constipated. I am also looking into Vagus Nerve Dysfunction as that is what fits my symptoms closest (pain in ear, occasional pain in vocal cords & hoarse voice = possibly due to acid reflux, unusual heart rate)

However, my internal shaking and increased heart rate has temporarily stopped! There could be a number of reasons why this is:
1) I had been anxious about my heart for two weeks. I went to the Emergency Room and started crying. After crying and having confirmation from the ER that I wasn't having a heart attack, I felt calm and comfortable so my shaking was potentially because of a buildup of stress and lack of sleep.
2) I started taking Miralax and Prevacid on the 14th as my doctor prescribed. Perhaps they are just now kicking in.

While I am glad my heart tremors have stopped, I am afraid that this is just another stop on the way to some disease I need to identify before it's too late. I have had a myriad of symptoms over the years, most of which I believe stemmed from my gut; constipation is the one constant. I have also recently been having a variety of brain fog (trouble visualizing reasoning for instinctive activities, trouble reviewing my thoughts) and have always had very poor blood circulation, pains in breastbone/chest, strange & intense drowsiness after eating, inability to feel hunger except by way of fatigue, and post-constipation pain in the left side of my brain/left eye.

I will still look into getting a heart monitor! And I will most likely post about this in the Brain & Nervous System group as well. If it is not a GI disorder, I'm not sure how to move forward.

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Did you ever find anything out?

I know I am coming to this conversation so late but I am experiencing almost all of the same symptoms you are describing. It's scary and hard to describe to Dr's without them just pushing it off on anxiety. I have always dealt with anxiety and this is not it, atleast not fully.


Everything you are saying is exactly what I'm dealing with from the internal shaking to the head pressure even the ears and eye issue and it's my left side too. I haven't had a normal bowel movement in a long time I'm guessing that's linked to something. I was wondering about sibo? I wake up with the back of my neck sore alot too

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Did you ever get any answers?

I am having almost the same symptoms.


.. I have ibs d and now fecal incontinence and had shaking inside and zoom with neurologist i had seen when got p.n. in hands and feet, not bad enough to take meds, and he got me to draw a spiral on paper and show him and he said its internal tremors... but that was it; i get them on and off and while they dont hurt, seem to upset my mood. As am older and have lots of other issues which seem to make everything I have twice as bad. Just had blood tests and vit d very low, so on 1000 iu a day but virtual dr. at walkin said 2000 a day but i want to see if one thousand will help, also a bit low on vit b... it is odd how everyone seems to have same symptoms but for different reasons and vice versa.... lately my health issues have taken over from enjoyment of life, well has done for a while, oh to have at least one day, or one week, feeling as I once did; thoughts are with you and hope you find out what is causing yours.... I was offered no solution.

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