Does anybody have gnawing stomach pain just above bellybutton?

Posted by tinatoren @tinatoren, Mar 18, 2023

Does anyone struggle with a gnawing burning pain just above belly button, often a little to the right where the head of pancreas connects with duodenum?
The pain radiates to a dull pain in a belt that wraps around my back when I stand. I cannot be up with food in my stomach because the pain becomes unbearable! Lately also nausea after eating but not every time. Lots of rumbling. I have reflux and a hiatal hernia plus IBS and slow gallbladder.
I've suffered many years from pain above bellybutton that has come and gone but since December it has been constant and I've been more or less bedridden. I get some relief a while after eating that lasts one or 2 hours but sometimes that becomes nausea instead and it feels like I ate a soap. To me it feels like my stomach but I have never ever found a single person with esophagus or stomach problems that manifest above belly button. My pain is not under breastbone or heartburn.
For 10 years I have tried to verify what organ causes the pain but failed and now Im stuck in bed with no visual finds on endoscopy (haven't gotten biopsy back yet). No explanation on abdominal mri just asymptomatic gallstones and some fat deposits in liver and pancreas.
I never have cramps and I don't suspect small or large intestine. I would just like to find someone who have that pain pattern

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Yes. I had an endoscopy in January and they couldn't see anything visually wrong. I'm still waiting for biopsy results. I've had 9 endoscopies over some years and only one showed esophagitis grade 1 despite unbelievable pains. I would have cough, reflux, wheezing and burning pain and hunger during the night. I recently came across an article by a doctor called Dr Jamie Koufman that actually talks about that type of reflux. I also found articles on pretty severe irritation of the vagus nerve even from non erosive esophagitis. The theory is that the acid penetrates the mucosa layers all the way to the nerve even though you can't see it. I used to always get better with Prilosec but it took a long time. This december however I had eaten 40mg of Nexium and not gotten better plus I developed the nerve and brain issues. At first I thought it might be the vagus nerve but then I read that my facial tingling must come from brain because the facial nerves are in the skull. At the same time some reflux people swear the have tingling lips?
It's all so strange. Hovever I also feel dizzy and have myoclonus jerks of head when I use my shoulders etc so something is going on in my brain too.

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@loribmt @tinatoren my GERD is due to a hiatal hernia which I have had for many years. I have tried tapering off the Lanzoprazole (generic Prevacid) but that has not helped me to come off it. I take just one capsule before bedtime and the night I skip one, I suffer.

Yes, I too have tingling lips and have wondered why!


@loribmt @tinatoren my GERD is due to a hiatal hernia which I have had for many years. I have tried tapering off the Lanzoprazole (generic Prevacid) but that has not helped me to come off it. I take just one capsule before bedtime and the night I skip one, I suffer.

Yes, I too have tingling lips and have wondered why!

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Yes I have a hernia too.
The sneaky thing is my reflux is silent in the beginning ( meaning I don't get it in my mouth or have heartburn) so I go off the meds thinking Im fine and then by the time I realise that Im in trouble then I'm in so much trouble it takes months to heal. I'm just afraid I don't tolerate the ppis. I guess eventually I will have to try again. Maybe try another kind like the one you have. For now I will see if pepcid helps. Too bad we have to sleep. If I never layed down I would probably do much better!


Yes. I had an endoscopy in January and they couldn't see anything visually wrong. I'm still waiting for biopsy results. I've had 9 endoscopies over some years and only one showed esophagitis grade 1 despite unbelievable pains. I would have cough, reflux, wheezing and burning pain and hunger during the night. I recently came across an article by a doctor called Dr Jamie Koufman that actually talks about that type of reflux. I also found articles on pretty severe irritation of the vagus nerve even from non erosive esophagitis. The theory is that the acid penetrates the mucosa layers all the way to the nerve even though you can't see it. I used to always get better with Prilosec but it took a long time. This december however I had eaten 40mg of Nexium and not gotten better plus I developed the nerve and brain issues. At first I thought it might be the vagus nerve but then I read that my facial tingling must come from brain because the facial nerves are in the skull. At the same time some reflux people swear the have tingling lips?
It's all so strange. Hovever I also feel dizzy and have myoclonus jerks of head when I use my shoulders etc so something is going on in my brain too.

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A couple things I want to mention…maybe another avenue or two to explore:
Median Arcuate Ligament syndrome or MALS… it’s a compression of the Celiac artery to the stomach and can cause similar symptoms to what you’re experiencing.
A group discussion in our forum with other members of MALS might be worth a peek to see if this is familar to you.

The other is the possiblity of a blocked Celiac artery, which a close friend of mine experienced. Her symptoms were very similar to yours and debilitating. It took some time for a diagnosis. Nothing would show up on the endoscope or MRIs. Finally a relentless honey badger of a doctor found the cause…it was a blocked Celiac artery. My friend had surgery and which brought immediate relief 2 years ago and she’s still going strong.

I’m so sorry you’re going through all of this. How miserable. What’s concerning are the other neurological symptoms your having. Have you mentioned these to your doctor as well?


Yes I have a hernia too.
The sneaky thing is my reflux is silent in the beginning ( meaning I don't get it in my mouth or have heartburn) so I go off the meds thinking Im fine and then by the time I realise that Im in trouble then I'm in so much trouble it takes months to heal. I'm just afraid I don't tolerate the ppis. I guess eventually I will have to try again. Maybe try another kind like the one you have. For now I will see if pepcid helps. Too bad we have to sleep. If I never layed down I would probably do much better!

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@tinatoren my chest pain can be triggered by merely bending forward as in picking up something from the floor, or doing anything that requires me to bend forward - even simply vacuuming! In those instances, and even if woken up from sleep with chest pain, I find a few sips of water eases the pain within a minute or two. Sometimes the pain will reoccur but I keep taking sips of water when they do and eventually I am pain free. I always have a bottle of water on hand.


A couple things I want to mention…maybe another avenue or two to explore:
Median Arcuate Ligament syndrome or MALS… it’s a compression of the Celiac artery to the stomach and can cause similar symptoms to what you’re experiencing.
A group discussion in our forum with other members of MALS might be worth a peek to see if this is familar to you.

The other is the possiblity of a blocked Celiac artery, which a close friend of mine experienced. Her symptoms were very similar to yours and debilitating. It took some time for a diagnosis. Nothing would show up on the endoscope or MRIs. Finally a relentless honey badger of a doctor found the cause…it was a blocked Celiac artery. My friend had surgery and which brought immediate relief 2 years ago and she’s still going strong.

I’m so sorry you’re going through all of this. How miserable. What’s concerning are the other neurological symptoms your having. Have you mentioned these to your doctor as well?

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@loribmt I am in Canada so on a government health plan. Doctors will not order any test the government will not pay for. And the primary physician decides whether you need to see a specialist for further testing - we cannot ask for investigational testing. Even if the doctor orders, say, an MRI if the MRI technologist decides the MRI is not necessary based on results of a CT scan you cannot get that MRI. I have asked my doctor for an MRI after ultrasounds and CT scan did not reveal cause of the pain in my upper right quadrant, as well as the mysterious bulge I have had for years on my lower right side just above my hip bone but the radiologist has deemed an MRI unnecessary. Everything really boils down to what the government plan (in the case of Ontario, the OHIP plan) will approve or disapprove.


@loribmt I am in Canada so on a government health plan. Doctors will not order any test the government will not pay for. And the primary physician decides whether you need to see a specialist for further testing - we cannot ask for investigational testing. Even if the doctor orders, say, an MRI if the MRI technologist decides the MRI is not necessary based on results of a CT scan you cannot get that MRI. I have asked my doctor for an MRI after ultrasounds and CT scan did not reveal cause of the pain in my upper right quadrant, as well as the mysterious bulge I have had for years on my lower right side just above my hip bone but the radiologist has deemed an MRI unnecessary. Everything really boils down to what the government plan (in the case of Ontario, the OHIP plan) will approve or disapprove.

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@loribmt which specialist does one have to see to investigate a blocked celiac artery? A year ago I was referred to a gastroenterologist who tested me for celiac disease and nothing showed up with that test. Can’t remember if it was a blood or stool test.


@loribmt which specialist does one have to see to investigate a blocked celiac artery? A year ago I was referred to a gastroenterologist who tested me for celiac disease and nothing showed up with that test. Can’t remember if it was a blood or stool test.

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I didn’t realize the limitations for getting further testing in Canada. That has to incredibly frustrating when you’re the one feeling awful and would like to know the answer!

Celiac disease is completely different than a blocked celiac artery.
A cardiologist, vascular surgeon or Interventional Radiologist would be the person to see to investigate a blocked Celiac artery. It’s not common and there are other arteries feeding the intestinal tract. So that’s not generally the first route to take when looking for digestive tract issues.

What did your doctor say about the mysterious bulge above your hip bone? Is it tender?


A couple things I want to mention…maybe another avenue or two to explore:
Median Arcuate Ligament syndrome or MALS… it’s a compression of the Celiac artery to the stomach and can cause similar symptoms to what you’re experiencing.
A group discussion in our forum with other members of MALS might be worth a peek to see if this is familar to you.

The other is the possiblity of a blocked Celiac artery, which a close friend of mine experienced. Her symptoms were very similar to yours and debilitating. It took some time for a diagnosis. Nothing would show up on the endoscope or MRIs. Finally a relentless honey badger of a doctor found the cause…it was a blocked Celiac artery. My friend had surgery and which brought immediate relief 2 years ago and she’s still going strong.

I’m so sorry you’re going through all of this. How miserable. What’s concerning are the other neurological symptoms your having. Have you mentioned these to your doctor as well?

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Thanks for the info. Wow there are so many diseases out there that you never heard of. My pain gets relived about 40 min after eating and that is provided I'm laying down. It usually stays better until my stomach starts getting emptier BUT if I stand up with food in my stomach the pain comes back right away. So it does seem my stomach is weighted down and pulls on some ligament or nerve when I stand. I also get heartflutters when standing and a strange pulling feeling in my chest. Also when I sneeze or cough I can get tiny nerve shocks across chest and into arms. So that part would probably match a very inflamed esophagus but I have no visual damage so I could be wrong. I do wake up with pain at night.
Yes my neurological symptoms are very worrying. It started acutely and I was cramping and jerking intensely in my body. The myoclonic jerks have subsided lately and are not happening so often.
I also feel that my arms are weaker and I do think I have nerve damage in my right arm but I don't know if it the pinched kind or the destroyed kind. My lips tingle when I eat and my nose tingles off and on and I have pain inside nose that comes and goes. I also get these waves of vibration tingles in scalp and arms legs etc plus internal vibrations that also fluctuates. I'm waiting for another brain mri, spinal tap and cervical spine mri.
Like I mentioned here before Im afraid it was a reaction to Prilosec and nexium. I'm so very afraid to try them again. I'm on pepcid now but they go straight into the brain so they could potentially have a bigger risk of causing neuropathy. It's all a mystery and I just have to keep trying to find the answers. All I know for sure is that Ive acid coming into my esophagus for 30 years and that I had no idea until 2014 that I had a hernia. Nor did I understand the severity of reflux disease until 2019.


I had burning in my upper intestine also even having surgery for reflux. Turns out I can't digest fiber very well and it sits in my upper intestine fermenting and causing gas and acid and bad pain and even pushes up me rib cage ! I had to cut out all fruit, most vegetables and breads, pastas, etc! I know we're told we need these foods but some people like me have a malabsorption problem for whatever reason. Once I eliminated it the pain went away almost immediately. Every now and then I eat some fruit which I love and get the pain within the next several hours! Love salads but had to cut that out also! Try the elimination diet, you may find it's your diet!


@tinatoren my chest pain can be triggered by merely bending forward as in picking up something from the floor, or doing anything that requires me to bend forward - even simply vacuuming! In those instances, and even if woken up from sleep with chest pain, I find a few sips of water eases the pain within a minute or two. Sometimes the pain will reoccur but I keep taking sips of water when they do and eventually I am pain free. I always have a bottle of water on hand.

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Yes water is a great help. I cannot even bend forward after eating because I will get stomach content in my mouth so my sfincter is on permanent vacation!

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