Once the calcium is there, it is not moving - I have read nothing that indicates it is addressable, only that the rate of growth of the calcium can be slowed with diet, meds, eating right, exercise, etc.
You should be taking statins or some injectable form to lower LDL and triglycerides.
Zetia is simply Ezetimibe that is taken alone or in addition to a statin - the statin does most of the work from what I've read. If the statin lowers yours LDL and triglycerides enough, the Ezetimibe is not needed, or so says my doc and my reading - may not hurt, though.
You've had?
- stress test?
- echo with stress test?
- advanced lipids panel?
- icosapent ethyl?
- ultrasound of extremities?
Also, taking statins st night before bed have proven to be more effective for lowering numbers than when taken during the day. Anecdotal evidence with family members and others.