Anyone had colpocleisis surgery? I want to learn more
What happened to the lady who was having significant bleeding problems 8 days after colpocleisis surgery?
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What happened to the lady who was having significant bleeding problems 8 days after colpocleisis surgery?
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Thank your for your quick response. From what I have read, some women have a lot of pain with their prolapse. The only pain I have had for years, is low back pain from weak core muscles and constant constipation (which I have had for years) which also contributes to the prolapse. Having 2 children also contributed. Have you experienced any pain with your prolapse?
I have delayed surgery to get more information (the doctor is 3-4 months out for scheduling surgery). The prolapse is at stage 3 again. Just taking it day by day:>)
Have you scheduled your surgery?
I haven't scheduled my surger(ies) because we won't know for sure the treatment plan until I have an MRI this week. I have a lot of pelvic pain but that's mostly because of adenomyosis. I probably can also attribute lower back pain to a weak core. I don't know what stage my prolapse is at yet but I'm going to ask tomorrow when I go in for urodynamics. My urogynecologist is also booked many months out, but I'm getting in sooner by calling and asking about cancellations! What has helped most for you in terms of managing the symptoms?
Sorry you are going through this at such a young age. Sounds you have a lot more going on than I do. I get soreness from the bulge which try to manage the bulge with kiegel (?) exercises and for the low back pain, I go to the chiropractor and do stretches. Aleve is also my savior. It all helps the aches for awhile but never really goes away. I have a high pain tolerance so it’s hard for me to determine the level of my pains and irritations compared to others. I just know when I am hurting others are most likely hurting more. I block the pain out most of the time. I also get massages twice a month that helps with muscle soreness. Hopefully you can get some relief from your issues.
It is true that you can experience orgasm after colpocleisis. Describing it as external is probably pretty accurate. It results from external massage, probably affecting the clitoris. I think the thing you want to avoid is heavy straining to have a bowel movement. That might affect the strength of the support. So drink water, exercise, and eat a high fiber diet to prevent that.
Thank you Shawnee for your response I’m having this surgery in June and I am terrified. I haven’t heard of anyone that has been so positive as you if there’s anything else that you could add to make me feel better I really would appreciate it. If you would like to respond this way thank you so much precious Heart!
I’m supposed to have this surgery in June and I am very apprehensive about it and also the recovery afterwards. How can you have a prolapse come back if you’re sewn together? Also, any ideas on after surgery as far as foods to eat that will make my bowels move extremely well would be very helpful to me. Thank you.
Try putting a few prunes in the bottom of your coffee cup. They will be soft, moist, and delicious when you get to the bottom. I use the non-sorbated kind (no preservatives). Otherwise, fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, dried fruits, flax, etc. Drink water. If all else fails, there's always Metamucil. I haven't found stool softeners that effective.
Am contemplating this surgery. Have an appt at Mayo Phx on April 6th, 2023.
My question: Did you have to have a hysterectomy in conjunction with having the Colpocleisis surgery?
No, I did not. If you would be like any more information, let me know.
Yes, I want more info about the procedure. Is this the best way fir use to communicate? Many thanks for your offer.