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Staying strong and facing an uncertain /certain future

Caregivers | Last Active: Jun 22, 2023 | Replies (60)

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Our snow is rapidly melting with the inch of rain we had yesterday! I actually see signs of life in my flower garden…daffodils and crocus are pushing their leaves through the frozen tundra!! Yippee!

I knew we were kindred sprits…we share a lot of the same arty pastimes! Though I’ve not worked on gourds…that was my niece’s calling! She also burned cowboy hats! But I digress… having these artistic outlets really keeps us grounded, doesn’t it? Lately I’ve shifted gears to making journals and combining that with my watercolors. So that’s been fun and portable because I’m married to a nomad who likes to be on the move. 😉
That was quite a downsize from 26 acres to 2!! Sounds like you’re both making the adjustment well. My husband and I are trying to decrease the amount of ‘stuff’ we have amassed over the years from our own life and that of others…such as leftovers from our daughter, both sets of our parents, hoarding, etc. 😂. When we’re in Florida we literally live with only what we brought in a suitcase. Then we get home and realize how much accumulated ‘life’ is stuffed into closets and horizontal surfaces…something’s got to give.
Speaking of…my todo list today is to finish my closet project. Lots to donate! I don’t want to lose momentum. Hugs to both of you!

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Replies to "Our snow is rapidly melting with the inch of rain we had yesterday! I actually see..."

Good morning to my Kinred Spirit! Yes, I just knew it too! This is sounding very familiar....leftovers from family...hoarding...collecting, oh my. Tales for another conversation 😁 I hope the closet cleaning went well!

Mr. Ray of Sunshine asked me a question this morning. Knowing that everyone is different, he's wondering how long it takes, once his treatment is complete, to start getting his energy back? Or, as he said "do you ever get it back?"

The fatigue hit him harder this round, for sure. Mr. CRABBY Pants emerged, as well. Very unusual, but, I pulled on my Crabby/Snotty Pants, too. Ugggh. It's like a battle of the wills, then shutdown on both sides. I'm telling myself that it's his frustration at the fatigue. I'm also working on backing off a bit. Even under normal circumstances he does not like to be hovered over. At least this morning we're being pleasant🙄 It can only go up from here!

Have a beautiful Sunday!!