← Return to High Coronary Calcium Score: How do others feel emotionally?

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I’m in similar position as you. High score - 1602 - good cholesterol, sugar and weight. Age 63. I eat well for the most part. I was very upset too but my doctor explained that it’s just one marker for risk. I have been taking a statin and he added Zetia. He didn’t seem terribly concerned about it. I have also read that statins can raise your calcium score. Doc really wouldn’t comment on that. Makes me wonder if the test is the best option when you’re taking a statin. Causes a lot of anxiety if it comes back with a high score.

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Replies to "I’m in similar position as you. High score - 1602 - good cholesterol, sugar and weight...."

People on Statin should not take this test. Will give you anxiety for no reason especially you are on Statin for a while. Statin increase calcium score 20 to 30% per year. Read
“ how statins can increase calcium scores while reducing cardiac risk” in very well health.com
And also read
“ the annual rate of coronary artery calcification with combination therapy with a PCSK9 inhibitor and a statin is lower than that statin mono therapy “ in nature.com