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I will indeed let you know. Our first meeting will be general background. Then we'll go into this current problem. I'll surely keep you updated. Thanks for your interest + support.

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Replies to "I will indeed let you know. Our first meeting will be general background. Then we'll go..."

I live in an assisted living facility and we have cams on the ceiling and a few wall mounted cameras.

The only places our laws don’t allow cameras is in bathrooms and bedrooms. Cams are essential in a place like where I live. Residents swinging their canes at other people are not uncommon. Sometimes people get hurt by aggressive residents hitting someone else

We have a rule that if you hit someone you are automatically given a 30 day order to vacate. You can have a loud profanity laced argument with another resident but if you intentionally strike another resident, you’re out and if your 30 days are up and you refuse to leave you’re considered a trespasser and the police will be called and escort you out.

This is for the safety of staff and residents. The cameras are a godsend. Just as if you think nobody can see you, the cameras can and residents know their are cameras in all the common areas so the advantage of having them is good to maintain peace.

The administrator lives a few miles away but every camera is viewable on her computer at all times.
We just had a resident kick the laundry room door in and splintered it whole thing. He denied doing it but the camera caught him doing it so he had no answer to give them

Residents are now allowed in the laundry room but he would go in there to grab new sheets of pillow cases daily so they locked the door but he smashed the door jam and was caught and he had to pay for the repairs out of his social security check.