← Return to Continued Post-Nasal Drip and Constant Mucus in Throat

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I got Covid in March of 2020. It was mild, but lots of coughing and weird dizziness for a month. Fast forward. I still have tons of phlegm I’m my throat. My Doctor just doesn’t think it’s long Covid. I know it is. I’ve never had it before Covid. I feel like the mucus never goes away in my throat. Certain foods make it worse. Sometimes even toothpaste makes me gag. I’ve taken many different antihistamines, Pepcid, antihistamine nasal sprays, saline. Nothing helps much. I have this big lump in my throat. I can spit, but it comes right back. I dread going to my Dr again, she will just blame it on something else. Maybe a sinus Specialist? No, histamine diet doesn’t work either. Anyone find any relief?? Even some family just make jokes about my hacking and don’t believe in long Covid. I feel alone. My husband is my only believer in this issue.

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Replies to "I got Covid in March of 2020. It was mild, but lots of coughing and weird..."

Doctor said the same thing. Went to an ENT and he said it's reflux. Taking the medication, but I still have the awful post nasal drip and phlem which is so much worse at night. I wake myself up coughing. Awful. This virus is too new, I think, to have this diagnosed.

Forget the sinus specialist, or ENT, I had absolutely no help there. I was on a PPI for reflux, that didn’t help. I have been diagnosed with asthma, likely covid induced, and that Dr (pulmonologist) said reflux and asthma like to coexist. ( my chest x/ray and ct scan both normal) She put me on Symbicort (inhaler) It helps a lot but does not eliminate. Thought I was doing better and tried going off of it - big mistake. Serious mucous buildup with a couple of days. Best thing I’ve found is chewing gum following a meal. Like I’m chomping on gum for and hour or two which keeps me swallowing and helps keep the post food mucus down to a more tolerable level. My covid was July 2022. I’m so discouraged to read you’ve been dealing with it for 3 years. I’m afraid it’s going to be forever!

I also had same thing. Got COVID a month ago and still running nose and coughing. Seems like junk in my throat that I just can’t and maybe chest too that I just can’t cough out. Hoping it goes away sometime soon.

I have the exact same thing as you and same timing! COVID in March of 2020. Mild case - chest congestion, ear pressure, a little nausea, and runny nose for a day. I've had phlegm in throat/airways, pressure in ears, and tinnitus since. I've been taking daily Pepcid, Zyrtec, and CBD oil for almost six months now and all symptoms have improved by at least 50%. Finally having hope!!! Laryngoscopy (ENT), pulmonary function test, and chest x-ray and all been normal.