Men with breast cancer: Your experience wth hormonal therapy?

Posted by dick61 @dick61, Aug 28, 2022

I had a mastectomy and 3 positive lymph nodes and 16 proton radiation treatments at MN Mayo. I am taking 20 mg of tamoxifen. What side effects are MALES experiencing from this drug??

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Thank you Colleen, I appreciate your response. I am a Mayo patient currently discussing this with my oncologist, she had a similar answer. I would just like to get an impression from someone that has experienced the same thing that I may. I also have NHL and lung cancer, so this a very difficult choice. Thanks again,
Cliff Stark

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I had stage two breast cancer about eight years ago and after surgery and chemo I have been taking letrozole alone for almost the eight years. I have no side effects( that I know of) and the cancer has not returned.
All the best


My husband had breast cancer about 6 1/2 years ago. Had mastectomy, no chemo or radiation. Estrogen positive. No lymph nodes involved. He took tamoxifen for 6 years then noticed the beginning of a blood clot in one of his legs so he stopped. Doing really well 😊 joints ached the first year but he was working full time. He is a family practice doctor and mostly retired. Walks a lot, stretches a little cycling. One day at a time! Good luck to you!


My husband had breast cancer about 6 1/2 years ago. Had mastectomy, no chemo or radiation. Estrogen positive. No lymph nodes involved. He took tamoxifen for 6 years then noticed the beginning of a blood clot in one of his legs so he stopped. Doing really well 😊 joints ached the first year but he was working full time. He is a family practice doctor and mostly retired. Walks a lot, stretches a little cycling. One day at a time! Good luck to you!

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I am 83 and have been taking tamoxifen for almost 2 years. Had mastectomy, 3 positive lymph nodes and 16 proton radiation treatments. I am ER+. I garden and walk briskly most days. What were the specific signs and symptoms that he noticed regarding the formation of a blood clot. I was told to wear compression socks when riding long distances and to stop driving after 2 hours and walk for a few minutes. I'd like to know what to look for. Thanks. Glad he is doing well.


I am 83 and have been taking tamoxifen for almost 2 years. Had mastectomy, 3 positive lymph nodes and 16 proton radiation treatments. I am ER+. I garden and walk briskly most days. What were the specific signs and symptoms that he noticed regarding the formation of a blood clot. I was told to wear compression socks when riding long distances and to stop driving after 2 hours and walk for a few minutes. I'd like to know what to look for. Thanks. Glad he is doing well.

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He noticed a large lump in his leg. Check with your doctor on this as blood clots are one potential side effect of this medication.


Thanks for your quick response. I do look at my legs after showering. I am a patient at the MN Mayo Clinic and will soon return for a follow up appt. Will talk to my oncologist. Hope he continues to do well off meds.


Thanks for your quick response. I do look at my legs after showering. I am a patient at the MN Mayo Clinic and will soon return for a follow up appt. Will talk to my oncologist. Hope he continues to do well off meds.

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Does/did he wear compression stockings when driving long distances, etc.?


Does/did he wear compression stockings when driving long distances, etc.?

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Yes he wore one for a few months every day but now nothing unless flying. Exercise is very important.


I have ER+ breast cancer and am 15 months post mastectomy, 6 node removal (3 positive) and 16 proton radiation treatments. Surgery in 4/21. I am taking 20 mg of tamoxifen and have daily headaches that I try to ignore. I had a cording issue that PT resolved and now a pectoral muscle/shoulder issue that, again, PT is helping. Otherwise, I am back to normal. I am about to be 83. My Mayo oncologist never mentioned another drug, but I did have a genetic test to confirm that I was properly metabolizing tamoxifen. Good luck to you. Hope surgery and follow up treatment goes well.

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I just started Tamox. after breast cancer surgery which was 2 weeks ago. I tried to get lowest dose but oncologist said only 20 mg.Surgery went well and healing is progressing well also. Waiting for oncotype results. Wish there was more data for men using Tamox. They are basically treating me as an 82 year old post-menopausal woman ! Cheers and best to all survivors !


I just started Tamox. after breast cancer surgery which was 2 weeks ago. I tried to get lowest dose but oncologist said only 20 mg.Surgery went well and healing is progressing well also. Waiting for oncotype results. Wish there was more data for men using Tamox. They are basically treating me as an 82 year old post-menopausal woman ! Cheers and best to all survivors !

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Deebee, I agree! There must be enough males with BC to conduct a study! I have been taking tamoxifen for 3 years. Have occasional bad headaches and use Esgic Plus which works! Exercise every day, wear support hose on long drives and fight late afternoon fatigue with a nap. Hope you stay well and vertical. I'll be 85 shortly. Hope the director of this group chat reads our plea.


Deebee, I agree! There must be enough males with BC to conduct a study! I have been taking tamoxifen for 3 years. Have occasional bad headaches and use Esgic Plus which works! Exercise every day, wear support hose on long drives and fight late afternoon fatigue with a nap. Hope you stay well and vertical. I'll be 85 shortly. Hope the director of this group chat reads our plea.

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Hi @dick61 and @deebee41, here are some research papers specifically about men and tamoxifen:
- Management of Male Breast Cancer: ASCO Guideline
- Survival benefit of tamoxifen in male breast cancer: prospective cohort analysis
- Tamoxifen in men: a review of adverse events

There is earlier research as well that establish tamoxifen as safe and effective in men with breast cancer.

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