Diverticulosis throughout entire colon -anyone?

Posted by comptomama @comptomama, Mar 8, 2023

I have diverticulosis throughout my entire colon. I have had many bouts of diverticulitis on my left side. I think it is not common to have diverticulosis throughout, but I was wondering if anyone else has this, and do you know why?

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Hi there, I just registered for this forum and happened to see your post about your diverticulosis. I too was recently diagnosed with it. I have never had any digestive problems so this came as a surprise. I should add that two significant meds I am on are known to cause digestive problems: Fentanyl and Oxycodone. I have a painful “failure of spine fusion” (had surgery for scoliosis years ago) and these two meds are my only recourse to be able to function at all. I joined this forum hoping to learn from others. Re your comment about yours being throughout your system, I recently had a colonoscopy and the GI Doc said my diverticula are mostly in the lower colon. Finally, the doctor put me on a FODMAP diet, which IS helping, but because I’m just learning it, is difficult to manage. ANY advice from others would be appreciated! Thanks, Barbara


Hello comptomama,
Sorry to hear. Are you having surgery?

I got some bad news in January regarding my cat scan and started a thread on this site.


Anxiously and patiently waiting for my colectomy with anastomosis surgery date of 4/3.
I've been basically disabled and will continue to be until then.
Just awful....


Hello comptomama,
Sorry to hear. Are you having surgery?

I got some bad news in January regarding my cat scan and started a thread on this site.


Anxiously and patiently waiting for my colectomy with anastomosis surgery date of 4/3.
I've been basically disabled and will continue to be until then.
Just awful....

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That sounds terrible. I have not had surgery. My son has. He had diverticulitis with perforation of the bowel. His surgery was an emergency. They were able to clean him up and remove what they needed to and put him back together without colostomy. He was 28 years old at the time. The good news is he felt much better after recovery. I am sure you have a difficult road ahead and I wish you a speedy recovery.


Hi there, I just registered for this forum and happened to see your post about your diverticulosis. I too was recently diagnosed with it. I have never had any digestive problems so this came as a surprise. I should add that two significant meds I am on are known to cause digestive problems: Fentanyl and Oxycodone. I have a painful “failure of spine fusion” (had surgery for scoliosis years ago) and these two meds are my only recourse to be able to function at all. I joined this forum hoping to learn from others. Re your comment about yours being throughout your system, I recently had a colonoscopy and the GI Doc said my diverticula are mostly in the lower colon. Finally, the doctor put me on a FODMAP diet, which IS helping, but because I’m just learning it, is difficult to manage. ANY advice from others would be appreciated! Thanks, Barbara

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Diverticulosis is supposed to be pretty common in the US because of our diet here. I can see why your meds would cause Diverticulosis because they cause chronic constipation. I usually only have flares on the left side, but a CT scan from 10 years ago showed involvement through the whole colon. A recent colonoscopy showed the same. I try to control flare- ups by eating more fiber and drinking more water. When I do have a flare, I try to manage it with a liquid diet. If you go to the ER they try to admit you and put you on antibiotics which destroys all the good bacteria with the bad. The side effects are not good. I have been diagnosed with idiopathic peripheral neuropathy. However, I am thinking that I have small fiber peripheral neuropathy, and that is what causes my issues. Whether it is PN or SFPN (my primary has dropped the ball on helping me get a real diagnosis) neither is a diagnosis, but a symptom. The symptom of neuropathy causes trouble with digestion because the digestive system is controlled by peripheral nerves. I do not know what has caused my PN or SFPN, but would like to know why others have diverticulosis and is it just the left side or the whole thing.


That sounds terrible. I have not had surgery. My son has. He had diverticulitis with perforation of the bowel. His surgery was an emergency. They were able to clean him up and remove what they needed to and put him back together without colostomy. He was 28 years old at the time. The good news is he felt much better after recovery. I am sure you have a difficult road ahead and I wish you a speedy recovery.

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Thanks for the support and well wishes.

That's too bad that your son had to go through this at such a young age.
The fact that my diverticulitis perforated the bladder is in some ways a good thing . 1) I didn't need to be rushed to emergency.
2) Even though the wait for surgery has been debilitating, the surgeon that is due to work on me is a 5 star review/ expert at Robotic Assisted Surgery . Fingers crossed....


I also have diverticulosis throughout my colon. I've had one, not so awesome, episode of diverticulitis. Not fun. I'm not a fan. I hope you start to feel better. God bless.


I had many episodes of diverticulitis and eventually had a left hemicolectomy--removal of a part of the colon about 15 years ago. That made a world of difference. A colonoscopy in December '22 shows diverticulosis throughout colon but no infectious flares. Pray I never do.


I have extensive diverticula. I had diverticulitis once, treated in hospital with I've antibiotics. For me, I'm at risk if I get constipated. I've learned that bananas, rice --especially white--, applesauce & wheat bread (BRAT, like what helps after flu-related diarrhea) are the main culprits. I avoid them all other than very small, occasional amounts. When I can't resist, I make sure to add powdered fiber to my daily, morning oatmeal. Daily breakfast: I add a tablespoon or two of old-fashioned oats to a mug of almond milk to which I also add a tbsp. plain cocoa. I eat plenty of fruits & veggies nearly every day. Hope thus helps others!


I also have diverticulosis throughout my colon. I've had one, not so awesome, episode of diverticulitis. Not fun. I'm not a fan. I hope you start to feel better. God bless.

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Thank you. You are right it is not fun.


I have extensive diverticula. I had diverticulitis once, treated in hospital with I've antibiotics. For me, I'm at risk if I get constipated. I've learned that bananas, rice --especially white--, applesauce & wheat bread (BRAT, like what helps after flu-related diarrhea) are the main culprits. I avoid them all other than very small, occasional amounts. When I can't resist, I make sure to add powdered fiber to my daily, morning oatmeal. Daily breakfast: I add a tablespoon or two of old-fashioned oats to a mug of almond milk to which I also add a tbsp. plain cocoa. I eat plenty of fruits & veggies nearly every day. Hope thus helps others!

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Good tips. Fiber is so important. Thanks!

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