PNET Surgery: My recovery journey

Posted by outlawcancer @outlawcancer, Feb 25, 2023

Hello everyone, yesterday on February 24,2023 I underwent a distal pancrectomy and a spleenectomy. I am am posting this comment from my hospital room. I arrived at the hospital at 5:15 Am for registration and I was taken in by the pre-op staff for preparation…as I walked in the area I was in had numerous bays with beds ready for the next person to have surgery.. the anesthesiologist came and spoke to, he then left and came back and began administering meds to call me down, I kid you not, minutes later I woke up in the recovery room. I don’t even remember them wheeling me into the operating room. So here is my post op experience so far. I’m am currently experiencing mid and lower abdominal pain 7/10 severity. The nurses her have been helpful. They’ve administered morphine, Tylenol etc… my surgery was done laparoscopically I have about 6 portholes in my belly and a tube coming out upper midsection for secretion of the pancreatic fluids. They also have these pads on the lower portion of my leg which massages me about every minute or so alternating legs. This was done to prevent blood clotting of any sort…last but not least the old dreaded catheter/foley that’s in my bladder. I have to say my throat is sore from the tube they had in me during surgery.. I can tell you that coughing, moving around is painful for me at least. This is why they administer drugs to keep the pain at bay.. remember they just removed my spleen and half or more of my pancreas.. of course no big appetites or anything like that. I been drink ice water and chewing on ice chips. All these meds tend to dry out mouth. Later around the 10 pm the nurses helped me up and I walked a lap on the hospital floor I am at. So far i have experienced some pain in the belly part of it is probably gas pain as well. Whoever is goin though this procedure just prep yourself mentally and physically it’s not that bad you will be ok. if anyone needs more info please feel free to contact me… I will try to add more details and updates through the day or days to come.

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It was great to hear to you share your experience with your surgery. Would love to share info with you. My wife’s having the same surgery, plus treatment of tumors in her liver, so we will be surgery partners in the coming days. It was great to hear that they got you up and moving around the day of surgery. How long was your surgery? Ours is scheduled for 4-6 hours. I take it you have the drain tube coming out of the pancreas area, hopefully you will be able to remove it before leaving hospital. Please keep in touch on your progress in the coming days.

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@kim1965 ,
I had similar surgery ( distal pancreatectomy, with gallbladder, spleen removal, some metastatic spots on my liver plus total histerectomy). It was done surgically and was about 8.5-9 hrs. Went to the hospital at 6:45, had an epidural catheter for painmeds, Foleys, drain from the belly, and a feeding tube( luckily not used, going out March 3). Stayed at the hospital for 6 days. Still not fully functional ( 13" " cut"). Feeling a bit better everyday. Navigated stairs on the 2nd week. Have issues with gaining weight but working on it.
Good luck with your surgery! God be with you!


Hello to everyone reading this updated post. This is day 4 at the hospital, it is about 6:45 am. Progress is slow, I still have the drain tube coming out of the belly. It’s filling up in a high rate of flow but enough where if I was discharged today I’d be wearing it at home. I have a lot of gas that I have not been able to release whatsoever. The pain from the surgery coupled with the gas pain has been a nightmare for me. And to those who is reading this be advised that ever person will respond to surgery in many different way, I am only giving you my experience. This is more of a preparation on what you may experience as well. The surgeon hasn’t been by yet, when she gets here hopefully I will have some more answers. I will update sometime mid day or late evening.


Thanks for the added information, @kim1965. I wish you both the best! I know this type of surgery is difficult for both the patient as well as the family members. I hope you keep posting with updates.

Will you have another family member with you as you wait during the surgery process? Has a surgery date been set?

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Yes March 1st.


Good evening everyone this is day 4 update. I am still at the hospital recovering from the surgery. I didn’t realize how major of a surgery this was. Please don’t be alarmed, but you don’t realize until you every aspect of this surgery into one piece how big this becomes. For example, we don’t realize how often we use our stomach muscles to perform daily functions, standing sitting etc. my surgery was laparoscopic therefore my stomach is absolutely sore and painful. Then you remember the rest of the surgery , removal of your spleen and pancreas . But don’t forget the layers Dr’s have to go through to get to these organs. Please mentally prepare yourself for all of this, you need it, and it’s good to be educated so you know what to expect. I am still in pain and those levels fluctuate daily sometimes 3/10 all the way to 10/10 pain. Pain medications have been my savior without it i don’t know where id be…. Today was the first time since surgery that I was able to pass gas and have clear oily bowel movement. My drain is still in place and the color has changed from dark red to bright red now I’m getting a clear liquid. Nurses say the clear color is what we want to see in order to remove the drain tube also volume as well. I’ll keep y’all informed tomorrow.


@kim1965 ,
I had similar surgery ( distal pancreatectomy, with gallbladder, spleen removal, some metastatic spots on my liver plus total histerectomy). It was done surgically and was about 8.5-9 hrs. Went to the hospital at 6:45, had an epidural catheter for painmeds, Foleys, drain from the belly, and a feeding tube( luckily not used, going out March 3). Stayed at the hospital for 6 days. Still not fully functional ( 13" " cut"). Feeling a bit better everyday. Navigated stairs on the 2nd week. Have issues with gaining weight but working on it.
Good luck with your surgery! God be with you!

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Oh my let me tell you this had been a challenge for me. Lots of pain, weakness , no food for 6 days, and lots of nausea. I don’t feel like I’m getting anywhere it feels like I’m going backwards.


Oh my let me tell you this had been a challenge for me. Lots of pain, weakness , no food for 6 days, and lots of nausea. I don’t feel like I’m getting anywhere it feels like I’m going backwards.

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@outlawcancer ,
Hang in there! It gets better! After a week on liquid diet ( broth and some milk shakes that made me run to the bathroom) after I went home I had home made broth, some pureed veggies. ' Graduated' to soft food - mashed potatoes, chicken, fish. Almost no pain after the second week. Just very week, lots of backpain. BUT - it gets better! Believe me! May God be with you in this hard journey!🙏


Oh my let me tell you this had been a challenge for me. Lots of pain, weakness , no food for 6 days, and lots of nausea. I don’t feel like I’m getting anywhere it feels like I’m going backwards.

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Hang in there buddy! You got this!


Yes March 1st.

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Hello @kim1965,

Thinking of your wife today as she has surgery. Wishing her all the best. I look forward to hearing from you after her surgery.

Will you post when you are able?


Good evening everyone this is day 4 update. I am still at the hospital recovering from the surgery. I didn’t realize how major of a surgery this was. Please don’t be alarmed, but you don’t realize until you every aspect of this surgery into one piece how big this becomes. For example, we don’t realize how often we use our stomach muscles to perform daily functions, standing sitting etc. my surgery was laparoscopic therefore my stomach is absolutely sore and painful. Then you remember the rest of the surgery , removal of your spleen and pancreas . But don’t forget the layers Dr’s have to go through to get to these organs. Please mentally prepare yourself for all of this, you need it, and it’s good to be educated so you know what to expect. I am still in pain and those levels fluctuate daily sometimes 3/10 all the way to 10/10 pain. Pain medications have been my savior without it i don’t know where id be…. Today was the first time since surgery that I was able to pass gas and have clear oily bowel movement. My drain is still in place and the color has changed from dark red to bright red now I’m getting a clear liquid. Nurses say the clear color is what we want to see in order to remove the drain tube also volume as well. I’ll keep y’all informed tomorrow.

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Thanks again for your continued updates, @outlawcancer. Yes, this type of invasive surgery is difficult, to say the least. My first two surgeries were invasive, and I also had the NG tube. During that time, I could only have ice chips and was without food for about 5 days. It is not easy, but once you get beyond that point, and begin to eat soft foods (think small quantities) it really does get better.

Try your best not to get too impatient, it will get better. It really does take time, though. I look forward to hearing from you, so please keep posting!


@kim1965 ,
I had similar surgery ( distal pancreatectomy, with gallbladder, spleen removal, some metastatic spots on my liver plus total histerectomy). It was done surgically and was about 8.5-9 hrs. Went to the hospital at 6:45, had an epidural catheter for painmeds, Foleys, drain from the belly, and a feeding tube( luckily not used, going out March 3). Stayed at the hospital for 6 days. Still not fully functional ( 13" " cut"). Feeling a bit better everyday. Navigated stairs on the 2nd week. Have issues with gaining weight but working on it.
Good luck with your surgery! God be with you!

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It’s surgery day for @kim1965, wish us luck and prayers 🙏.

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