How about a laugh, (hopefully)

Posted by Leonard @jakedduck1, Dec 31, 2018

I believe laughter is the best medicine. Laughter has actually been scientifically proven to help people with depression issues.
Let’s give it a try so we can all get happy and feel better. Many Epilepsy forums I’ve been on had joke sections. I was probably the biggest joke of all since I didn’t get a lot of the jokes. They said the jokes couldn’t be above 4th grade level for me to understand them so my jokes may be rather simplistic but let’s give it a try.
Have a lovely day everyone,

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Lori, it looks with that last post you have decimated many and outnumbered the remainder.
If you partner with someone, they can
on with you, or

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Lori and Lagrange--
Both of your last posts were tours de force of mathematical wit!
I read them Monday morning-- Thanks for starting off my day with hearty laughs!

Hey, everybody-- I think my husband needs another "get rid of the wife" joke. My illness has been wearing him down the last few days... Anybody got one to share?

THANKS for the fun!!


Lori and Lagrange--
Both of your last posts were tours de force of mathematical wit!
I read them Monday morning-- Thanks for starting off my day with hearty laughs!

Hey, everybody-- I think my husband needs another "get rid of the wife" joke. My illness has been wearing him down the last few days... Anybody got one to share?

THANKS for the fun!!

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I got emotional when I caught my husband looking at our marriage certificate. Turns out he was looking for an expiration date.

FL Mary



I got emotional when I caught my husband looking at our marriage certificate. Turns out he was looking for an expiration date.

FL Mary

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I literally ‘lost my tea’ on that joke!!! Oh my gosh!! 😂


Older man to his priest in confession "Father, it really works! I was thinking impure thoughts about the young ladies at work, and I remembered you said to pray - it worked. No more impure thoughts."
Priest to the man "Son, that's not your prayers, that's your blood pressure medicine."


Three women walked into a bar.
Three women, a redhead, a brunette, and a blonde walked into a bar and the bartender says "Hey, there is a magic mirror in the back the will grant wishes, but only if you tell the truth. If you lie, you will disappear forever."

"Let's go to the back then." says the brunette.

They arrive in the back and the brunette starts to say her wish. "I think I would like to have a loving husband." A loving husband appears and the two leave the bar.

The redhead says "I think I would like to have a sports car." A sports car appeared and the redhead went on out of the bar.

The blonde then went up to the magic mirror and said "I think," and she disappeared forever.


1. The wife is always right
2. When u feel she is wrong, slap yourself and read rule no.1 again


Your husband is suffering from a very severe stress disorder.If you don't do the followig he will surely die. Each moming fix him a healthy breakfast. Be pleasant at alltimes. For lunch make him a nutritious meal. For dinner prepare an especially nice meal No chores. No nagging. Oh yes, and make love
several times a week. Do thi for the next year and he'ltregam hs health
what did the doctor say?
You're gong to die!


I had to read this one twice! First time, my mind glossed to "philosopher," not "philanderer." It's really funny, if you read the words correctly!

I must say that this use of "isosceles" was masterful, not elemental!

(Hey, folks, we now have the entire periodic table to pun around with...Haha! Another challenge!)

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I like that Table. I read it periodically.

FL Mary



I like that Table. I read it periodically.

FL Mary

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If it’s a periodic table, what is it the rest of the time?




My brain needs an intermission.

FL Mary

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