Diagnosed with DCIS: How do I decide on treatment?

Posted by tctredwell1 @tctredwell1, Aug 23, 2022

I was diagnosed with DCIS. I have to go in for a breast MRI with contrast tomorrow to see how active the cancer is. If it’s contained and not very active, do I have to have a lumpectomy?

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I would get the sentinel node biopsy if this were me. It is one or two nodes not all of them, and I wouldn’t want to find out later that it had already spread to the nodes and has now travelled elsewhere.
They call it a sentinel because it is like a guard shack, they will know if the cancer has come this way.
It is a small surgery and brings large peace of mind.
Is there something specific about this that makes you not want to have it?

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I am fearful of the actual injection of the dye which I have read is quite painful. I also have a large hematoma (still present from my biopsy done in Nov. 2022) which concerns me in regards to having an injection in that area. I have also read studies that the procedure is not really necessary unless the tumor is above 3mm and/or you are having a complete mastectomy. The side affects are also a concern of mine as they can be permanent. Frankly, I am simply scared to death! My surgeon didn't have any patience when I expressed my concerns and told me I was too full of anxiety and I wouldn't heal properly if I don't get a grip."


I am fearful of the actual injection of the dye which I have read is quite painful. I also have a large hematoma (still present from my biopsy done in Nov. 2022) which concerns me in regards to having an injection in that area. I have also read studies that the procedure is not really necessary unless the tumor is above 3mm and/or you are having a complete mastectomy. The side affects are also a concern of mine as they can be permanent. Frankly, I am simply scared to death! My surgeon didn't have any patience when I expressed my concerns and told me I was too full of anxiety and I wouldn't heal properly if I don't get a grip."

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As you are so fearful of everything related to this, I would probably recommend a second opinion. This does not have to be done immediately even if you decide to have it. You can afford to give yourself a little grace. Breast cancer induces anxiety and if your doctor doesn’t have the patience to address your fears, maybe that isn’t your best fit of a doctor.
Every single thing is a risk vs benefit decision for us, and that equation looks a little different for all of us. I had an axillary node removal (all available). I did not have any pain from the injection of the dye with the tracer, and I didn’t have any pain from the blue dye when the machine was broken to track the tracer.
It did have the side effect of blue breast and inner chest area for months. My husband referred to me as Mrs. Smurf for a while.
Also just a reminder about online forums. The people who write the most are the ones who had a problem, very few people get on to complain that it was no problem.
Have you considered getting a second opinion? Do you live in an area with a large teaching hospital or a cancer center?


As you are so fearful of everything related to this, I would probably recommend a second opinion. This does not have to be done immediately even if you decide to have it. You can afford to give yourself a little grace. Breast cancer induces anxiety and if your doctor doesn’t have the patience to address your fears, maybe that isn’t your best fit of a doctor.
Every single thing is a risk vs benefit decision for us, and that equation looks a little different for all of us. I had an axillary node removal (all available). I did not have any pain from the injection of the dye with the tracer, and I didn’t have any pain from the blue dye when the machine was broken to track the tracer.
It did have the side effect of blue breast and inner chest area for months. My husband referred to me as Mrs. Smurf for a while.
Also just a reminder about online forums. The people who write the most are the ones who had a problem, very few people get on to complain that it was no problem.
Have you considered getting a second opinion? Do you live in an area with a large teaching hospital or a cancer center?

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Did they inject the blue dye the day before your surgery? Did you take anything to relax you before hand or on the day of your surgery? Did you have any side effects from the sentinel node biopsy like numbness, pain or swelling that didn't go away? I did try to get a second opinion through UCSD but they can't see me until weeks after my surgery date. I was negligent in getting my mammogram as my previous one was 3.5 years prior so I don't really know when the calcifications began morphing into cancer. Hence, I am concerned about waiting. Yes, I am fearful and praying for less emotion and more strength. I have appreciated your responses.


Did they inject the blue dye the day before your surgery? Did you take anything to relax you before hand or on the day of your surgery? Did you have any side effects from the sentinel node biopsy like numbness, pain or swelling that didn't go away? I did try to get a second opinion through UCSD but they can't see me until weeks after my surgery date. I was negligent in getting my mammogram as my previous one was 3.5 years prior so I don't really know when the calcifications began morphing into cancer. Hence, I am concerned about waiting. Yes, I am fearful and praying for less emotion and more strength. I have appreciated your responses.

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They did it all the day of my surgery. I think they did give me a a pill to take that morning. I want to assure you, it wasn’t painful for me. I didn’t have a sentinel node where they just take one or two, I had axillary node dissection where they took as many as they could because the dye went to the internal mammary nodes and they couldn’t decide. Because this was 18 years ago and I think technology was not quite as good at our little rural hospital, my doctor decided this was best.
I did not have any issues with healing, I am not patient with myself and the minute I was given the go ahead I started forcing my arm a little higher each day. I used grooming my horse to accomplish this, a little higher on his side each day.
There wasn’t extended pain, but there is some numbness in the area. I am very careful to avoid anything constricting that arm and I never get injections on that side or blood draws, not even blood pressure cuffs.
Are you comfortable asking for a pill to relax you before surgery? Once they get you there, you could ask for a shot.😴 Does any of this ease your fears?


Hi, I am new to this group so forgive me if I sound scared right now. I was just recently diagnosed with DCIS (microcalcifications in my upper right breast). I went to visit my breast surgeon for the first time yesterday and she said I need an MRI as a few things look concerning to her. I was told the "other" things noted in my u/s and diagnostic mammogram were cysts. This is located right by my nipple area which means I wouldn't be a candidate for NPS. My question is, can DCIS be located in multiple parts of the breast? Or is this now considered a possible IDC with DCIS? It is such a mind game and now I have wait 1.5 weeks for my MRI. I am most concerned with what type of treatment I will need if this is now a mass and microcalcifications. I am planning on a bi-lateral mastectomy to no have to worry about this coming back. Thanks for your help everyone, this is so scary.

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Ductal Insitu is in the ducts
Means it spread
To the canals ( that’s what I hav)
My Dr. Told me calcifications
Mean nothing.
An MRI picked up a cancerous cyst the Ultrasound and Mammogram
didn’t. I get
My results of my lymph on Tues
I had 3
Tumours removed and an augmentation., Surgeon and Plastic surgeon directed
Me away from a
Mastectomy to Skin saving
Bld supply areola& nipple
Necrosis but now circulation is returning after bad post
Op infection & still on IV antibiotics
I’m here for anyone
It’s not really a journey more of a nightmare
Try hard to Stay strong


They did it all the day of my surgery. I think they did give me a a pill to take that morning. I want to assure you, it wasn’t painful for me. I didn’t have a sentinel node where they just take one or two, I had axillary node dissection where they took as many as they could because the dye went to the internal mammary nodes and they couldn’t decide. Because this was 18 years ago and I think technology was not quite as good at our little rural hospital, my doctor decided this was best.
I did not have any issues with healing, I am not patient with myself and the minute I was given the go ahead I started forcing my arm a little higher each day. I used grooming my horse to accomplish this, a little higher on his side each day.
There wasn’t extended pain, but there is some numbness in the area. I am very careful to avoid anything constricting that arm and I never get injections on that side or blood draws, not even blood pressure cuffs.
Are you comfortable asking for a pill to relax you before surgery? Once they get you there, you could ask for a shot.😴 Does any of this ease your fears?

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LOL, not really. I have no problem asking for a pill and I will do that. My surgeon isn't the most compassionate person so I'll just have to work on not letting her intimidate me when I contact her for a prescription. As far as the dye...it is being done the day before and again when my surgery is performed. I wish I understood better but she got pretty irritated with my questions so I didn't even ask all that I wanted to. It's too late for a second opinion unless I postpone the surgery date which is Mar.10 and I'm scared to do that also. I am realizing I have become quite a scaredy cat in my old age. 🙂


LOL, not really. I have no problem asking for a pill and I will do that. My surgeon isn't the most compassionate person so I'll just have to work on not letting her intimidate me when I contact her for a prescription. As far as the dye...it is being done the day before and again when my surgery is performed. I wish I understood better but she got pretty irritated with my questions so I didn't even ask all that I wanted to. It's too late for a second opinion unless I postpone the surgery date which is Mar.10 and I'm scared to do that also. I am realizing I have become quite a scaredy cat in my old age. 🙂

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Find out if they inject lidocaine and baking soda before the blue dye which cuts back on the pain.
Ask your Internist for some tablet to take before this procedure.

Learn a calming breathing method to practice to use during this procedure.
(Try breathing in to a count of 3
holding breath to count of 3, breathing out to a count of 3.
Do this 3 times in a row; and it creates calmness.)

Your feelings are a normal part of dealing with the unknown.
You will be able to get through this.

Also say "You can do it.. whenever you feel overwhelmed.


LOL, not really. I have no problem asking for a pill and I will do that. My surgeon isn't the most compassionate person so I'll just have to work on not letting her intimidate me when I contact her for a prescription. As far as the dye...it is being done the day before and again when my surgery is performed. I wish I understood better but she got pretty irritated with my questions so I didn't even ask all that I wanted to. It's too late for a second opinion unless I postpone the surgery date which is Mar.10 and I'm scared to do that also. I am realizing I have become quite a scaredy cat in my old age. 🙂

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I agree with @timely
In short…………you got this💕


I don't recall any issues with the dye or the sentinel node removal. For any anxiety before surgery or treatment, or waiting for results, there is no shame n asking for a few Ativan if Netflix isn't working!


Newly diagnosed DCIS stage 0 -High grade post lumpectomy of two very small mm size areas. What a roller coaster- oncology consult radiology consult- left with news to take tamoaxfin - No radiation as it would be considered over treatment. At 46 many things to think about -a real contemplation of how you want to live your life occurs ensued with anxiety of what to do . I spoke with friends and learned of their journeys - medication , radiation - the constant emotional tool of wondering ever 6 months is it back ….. and the emotional struggle that has caused and the fragility to their mental health. I have decided to go for a consultation of mastectomy- through all the research and talking it seems that a mastectomy at this early stage gives the best option of non reoccurring- it seems that many have taken the medication and radiation only have to resort to a mastectomy further down the road anyways. I can say since deciding to go that path - my hopelessness has lifted .

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