Hi @bjjoyce1
I have different mast cell problems so I understood what you were talking about. Allergic reactions effect my eyes and eye lids.
I am allergic to the yellow dye or something else in Fluorescein for eye dialation.
They have to use a different one for me. I get eye lid swelling and red eye.
They may have used it when I had cataract surgery as I then had problems aferwards too.
Since then, I have had allergic reactions to some meds.
My daughter is allergic to soy.
Both she and I had an allergic reaction to the pre-surgery cleaning solution, chlorhexidine.
We both developed large bumps all along the surgical stitching line as we both had reactions to the self-dissolving stitches used. My body tried to encapsule these stitches.
I would ask if now they could do a skin test prior to surgery of the materials used for stitching and anything used to sterilize the stitching material.
If you have any silicon allergies,
I would inquire if they used bio zorb with a lumpectomy to help area fill in where the tumor was removed. The titanium pieces are attached to the ends of this. The bio zorb is self-dissolving.
Most likely the titanium was placed as future markers to show up on mammograms too. Ask your Dr.
I do not know. At this time I believe she used staples and she said she filled in the gab . She did not removed the previous one, and evidently put more than 4 titanium clips in place. She said she did not know the count. I have been trying to get the operating report bec that should have the number. I prev had #14 nylon used on my thumb without any keloids. First time I didn't react.! The surgeon used glue, so it will be a wait and see. Since Nov 2020 I have not been able to cut my grass w/o having profuse sweating, tight band around my head, etc. I can not use betadine which i react . I do not know about Bio zorb. Soy has 72 names and is in 92% of all medicine OTC/scripts. They now are putting derived soy in sorbitol and Lactose milk powder. My reactions can be ana, angioedema and/or get thin skin and boils. Along with losing control of my bowel and bladder. Not fun Thank you for the Bio zorb info.