Gabapentin and Cymbalta

Posted by jeanniem @jeanniem, Mar 15, 2021

I am taking 300mg of Gabapentin twice a day and my neurologist seems to feel pretty strongly that I add 30mg of Cymbalta. Does anyone else take this combo? I really hate adding new medications!

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What were your side effects? When I was started on Gabapentin and Cymbalta 8/2012, two weeks in I began to feel as though there was small grains of something in my bed. Even though I checked the bed every night and day, I found nothing to explain what I was feeling. Though I not only bought a new mattress, had every piece of fabric in my bed cleaned, as well as the carpets, nothing stopped the sensations. Since that time, some 16 months ago the sensations have increased to burning all over my body with little relief. In addition, in March 2022 I became heat intolerant when I was in the sun one day and have not been able to get warm whether I am outside or inside without feeling as if I am being stung by a swarm of wasps. I’m addition, I can hardly stand for any kind of fabric to touch my body. Since I never experienced any of these sensations until I was put on both Cymbalta and Gabapentin at the same time, and even though I am no longer taking Cymbalta, I will always believe that they were the culprit. Needless to say, my quality of life is not what it once was.

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Did your doctor agree the Gabapentin and Cymbalta we're the cause of those sensations?
I assume your sensations are now gone since your off Cymbalta. Are you still taking the gabapentin and if so, does it help?
Take care,
Jake are you still taking the gabapentin and if so, does it help you?


@jeanniem Hello, Jeanniem. If I may ask, why are you taking Gabapentin and why add Cymbalta? I've taken both. I took Gabapentin for nerve pain, neuropathy, and other pain. Cymbalta I've been taking for years for firbromyalgia pain, and it helps with all my pain basically......perhaps because it truly helps wfibromyalgia. But, it's a miracle drug for me. Because Cymbalta helps so w/reduction of amount of overall body pain, I've been able to reduce and eliminate the gabapentin, lyrica, oxycodone, 800mg ibuprophen, lamictal.....added Requip for dopamine and am working on completing the 'cocktail' with MJ, THC./CBD at night for pain, sleep, anxiety and daytime for pain, anxiety. I'm thrilled with the progress, even tho I'm not there yet.

I take the max dose of Chymbalta, 120mg daily and don't think I could survive w/o it.

Good luck with these decisions. May they lead you to less pain and better life~ Blessings, elizabeth

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Hi. I am currently taking 600 mg of gabapentin 3x daily. It helps but not much. Although I can tell if I miss a dose. My neurologist just prescribed 30mg of cymbalta 1 x daily for 2 weeks then 2x daily along with gabapentin. I don’t know when to take cymbalta as I am very sensitive to medication. I heard it was good or better than gabapentin for nerve pain.


If it were me, I would ask my doctor to increase the gabapentin since it's helping. Researchers have found that the main reason gabapentin doesn’t working so many people is because the dose is too low. if it were me, I would ask my doctor to increase the gabapentin. Researchers have found that the main reason gabapentin doesn’t work well for many people is because the dose is too low. You Can always add other meds.
Cymbalta can be taken anytime you want with or without food, just take it at the same time every day. just my two cents worth.


If it were me, I would ask my doctor to increase the gabapentin since it's helping. Researchers have found that the main reason gabapentin doesn’t working so many people is because the dose is too low. if it were me, I would ask my doctor to increase the gabapentin. Researchers have found that the main reason gabapentin doesn’t work well for many people is because the dose is too low. You Can always add other meds.
Cymbalta can be taken anytime you want with or without food, just take it at the same time every day. just my two cents worth.

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I'm on the same dosage of gabapentin and also take 60 mg of cymbalta. If I miss either one I know it. Similar to you my pain levels increase as my body seems to adjust to the gabapentin. I did not find the cymbalta as problematic. The more gab you take the more likely you are to have cognitive problems and experience fatigue. I wish you good luck. This disease remains ever challenging.


If it were me, I would ask my doctor to increase the gabapentin since it's helping. Researchers have found that the main reason gabapentin doesn’t working so many people is because the dose is too low. if it were me, I would ask my doctor to increase the gabapentin. Researchers have found that the main reason gabapentin doesn’t work well for many people is because the dose is too low. You Can always add other meds.
Cymbalta can be taken anytime you want with or without food, just take it at the same time every day. just my two cents worth.

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@jakedduck1, @kp6350, and all...Hello, folks. Hello, friend Jake! I've been offline for a while due to medical and life issues, so it's good to see your post. Hope all is well your way, my 'co-chocolate lover'.
As to the Cymbalta, I still take 2/60mg capsules every morning. I was told at the beginning of the script to take it in the morning to get the most benefit. It might be helpful for me to take 2X daily, instead of 2 in the morning, and I'll ask the doc if he thinks that would extend the good effects. Also, I have since been told by my doc he can increase the dosage, my understanding I am at the maximum dosage is incorrect. But, he prefers to go in other directions at this time.
I still think Cymbalta is a wonderful drug and has/is a huge help for me to control pain and also help with anxiety/depression. I haven't taken Gabapentin for a couple of years now....Yea!
It is a good drug for some things for some people. It helped reduce some of my pain. But, I found it caused extreme brain fog, confusion, and cognitive issues that cleared up soon after I was tapered off it. The world brightened, I see colors more vividly, I think more clearly and I've found other methods of pain control.
So, listen to your body and be open and clear with your medical team. I believe we can improve in some way in our lives by continuing the fight and working with our support folks. Be blessed, Elizabeth


Hi. I am currently taking 600 mg of gabapentin 3x daily. It helps but not much. Although I can tell if I miss a dose. My neurologist just prescribed 30mg of cymbalta 1 x daily for 2 weeks then 2x daily along with gabapentin. I don’t know when to take cymbalta as I am very sensitive to medication. I heard it was good or better than gabapentin for nerve pain.

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I was on just about the same doses of both meds. I researched these and was very concerned about what I learned. I suggest you do the same. ASAP. I no longer take either one and thank God avoided the long term affects of these meds. TAKE CARE AND GOD BLESS


Hi. I am currently taking 600 mg of gabapentin 3x daily. It helps but not much. Although I can tell if I miss a dose. My neurologist just prescribed 30mg of cymbalta 1 x daily for 2 weeks then 2x daily along with gabapentin. I don’t know when to take cymbalta as I am very sensitive to medication. I heard it was good or better than gabapentin for nerve pain.

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This is the kind of thing that you should be discussing with your doctor. Best to follow their direction with meds. Everyone's reactions to meds is different.


When I was on Cymbalta I broke out in an itchy rash. Dermatologist advised me to stop it, although he’s not the one who prescribed it. Has anyone else had this itching experience?


Not me. Worked great so far. I can’t really tell that I’m taking it besides neuropathy issues are so much better.


Gabapentin made me groggy the next day. Does Cymbalta help with restless, leg and sleep?

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