I have clear liquid draining from my ears

Posted by Gregory Tremblay @gregorytremblay, Jan 24, 2016

I have clear liquid draining from my ears, mostly from the right, and the canals show damaged skin. I've seen 2 specialists and neither thinks it's a problem. They are surely incompetant, as the 1st I saw caused an infection in my left ear. The fluid feels like automotive break fluid. Do you have an opinion? Thanks. Greg T.

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I dropped the iodine into the canals with a dropper. My doctor is an ENT specialist and would not know anything about naturopathic medicine or if using iodine changed the flora. It only happened once and I never had fungus appear since then in either ear canal. I always appreciated him (since retired) because he did not overuse antibiotics.

FL Mary


Was the iodine wiped in or dropped in? Did you have a natropath? Did he say how this changes the floura?

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I used a dropper to put the iodine deep into the ear canal. My Doctor (since retired) is an ENT specialist and would not know anything about neuropathic medicine or whether it changed the flora. I really appreciated the fact that he did not overprescribe antibiotics.
I have never had a problem since and that was several years ago.

FL Mary



I used a dropper to put the iodine deep into the ear canal. My Doctor (since retired) is an ENT specialist and would not know anything about neuropathic medicine or whether it changed the flora. I really appreciated the fact that he did not overprescribe antibiotics.
I have never had a problem since and that was several years ago.

FL Mary

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Thank you

In reply to @cynthiabixby "Thank you" + (show)

Iodine is, and has been since the Civil War, a great antimicrobial - it can kill bacteria, virus and fungus (many but not all) and is GENERALLY safe. Caution please, however! Whenever there is liquid discharge from an ear, there is a chance that an ear drum is perforated. Iodine is ototoxic and even a tiny bit in the middle/inner ear can cause profound hearing loss. If treating an irritation in the outer ear or ear canal, it would be much safer to use a gauze or cotton swab to carefully dab iodine on.


Iodine is, and has been since the Civil War, a great antimicrobial - it can kill bacteria, virus and fungus (many but not all) and is GENERALLY safe. Caution please, however! Whenever there is liquid discharge from an ear, there is a chance that an ear drum is perforated. Iodine is ototoxic and even a tiny bit in the middle/inner ear can cause profound hearing loss. If treating an irritation in the outer ear or ear canal, it would be much safer to use a gauze or cotton swab to carefully dab iodine on.

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Yes, I did a deeper study on the potency and hearing loss. For an adult, I would have to use high doses for days for 24 hours those days. I did find an article that used Dimethyl sulfoxide with iodine. I also use Lugol’s ioding which is safer. I am in the medical field but as a midwife/naturalpath.


I haven't had those symptoms. I can feel a tickle in my ear and have to<br />
use a paper towel to collect any liquid in the ear. I need to do this<br />
several times each day. I've been using Cipro without any success. When I<br />
awake, any fluid that drained overnight dries and becomes crust in my ear.<br />
My GP instructed me to stop cleaning my ears, as he thinks it is causing<br />
the damage. Not true. Thanks for you're assistance. Greg T.<br />

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Wondering if you ever found a solution as I have the exact same! Doctor is no help -gave me steroid cream that doesn't work.


I tend to get the same problem. Draining clear liquid, itchy, dries crusty...saw my ENT and was diagnosed with a fungal infection. Treated easily with a cream specifically for ears. I have to deal with it a lot since I wear in-the-canal hearing aids about 18 hours a day. Fungal infections like warm, moist, environments...which is exacerbated by the hearing aids. People who wear airpods/earbuds a lot may also develop the problem.
Hope you can finally get some help!


I tend to get the same problem. Draining clear liquid, itchy, dries crusty...saw my ENT and was diagnosed with a fungal infection. Treated easily with a cream specifically for ears. I have to deal with it a lot since I wear in-the-canal hearing aids about 18 hours a day. Fungal infections like warm, moist, environments...which is exacerbated by the hearing aids. People who wear airpods/earbuds a lot may also develop the problem.
Hope you can finally get some help!

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I wear BTE hearing aids with full molds. Couple of years ago my ENT diagnosed fungus in both ears. He treated it with iodine and told me to buy a bottle which I did. I used it for a few days and it was gone and never returned.
I occasionally use a dropper full of acetic acid solution in both ears and found that drops of mineral oil several times a week keeps them soft and lubricated like moisturizer. Haven't had an ear infection or fungal condition in over 2 years. I used to have many infections so this routine works for me.

FL Mary


My ear drainage is mostly a watery liquid. But, if carefully swab with a Q-tip, it's yellow and pasty. One time I left the Q-tip in place fro several minutes, and it also collected some white goop that resembled cream cheese! a less severe case happened a few months ago, and the ear doc at the VA hospital didn't have any advice other than to let it go away on its own. The VA is scheduling me for another ear exam... sure hope they have an answer. In the meantime, my hearing is very poor.

what appeares




Keep going back to the ENT until you get an answer. There are many reasons for ear drainage but I would be concerned since it’s not clearing up, the description you gave and that fact that your hearing is poor.

Look up the term Cholesteatoma, which is a rare condition and mention it to the ENT and see if he or she knows what it is. I wouldn’t accept an answer of letting it clear up. If you can, keep a sample of the discharge that is yellow and pasty and cream cheese like. They need to see it. Get a small glass jar with a good lid and put enough in to look at. Don’t let any provider be dismissive.

FL Mary

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