Does anyone have poor circulation and cold feet? PMR or prednisone?

Posted by deniseinca @deniseinca, Mar 2, 2022

I developed poor circulation in my hands and feet after diagnosis and commencing Prednisone treatment, my feet are never warm. I also developed peripheral neuropathy in my feet which was attributed to being on Arava - Leflunomide.
The Arava was ceased however no improvement seen to date. I am going for ABI testing to understand the extent of vascular compromise. I do not have typical claudication in my legs or anything normally felt in vascular compromise it is simply if i am sitting with legs down they will turn a horrid purple to grey color, once i stand and move color is restored quickly, all pedal pulses normal also.

What I wanted to discuss is does anyone else have this as a result of PMR or prednisone use?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.

@deniseinca, I have had 2 occurrences of PMR but it's now in remission. Prior to having PMR I had ABI testing as part of a heart health checkup but it checked normal for the blood pressure in the legs and ankles. I also have lymphedema and have to wear compression socks to help with the swelling in the legs from the fluid buildup. I don't have any medical training or background but don't believe PMR or prednisone can cause the symptoms you have but it could be a condition related to PMR like peripheral artery disease --- Peripheral artery disease (PAD): Here is an older reference that may help explain:

Lower Extremity Vasculitis in Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Giant Cell Arteritis:

Hopefully other members that have experience with your symptoms can share what they have found out. Can you let us know what you find out from your ABI testing?


I have the exact same thing. Was on long term prednisone for autoimmune hemolytic anemia. Tappering down but have constant pins and needles and numbness and reddish purple colour that resolves upon standing.


I've had neuropathy from my knees down to my feet since my cancer treatments 3 years ago, but I did notice lately how cold my feet were all the time. I never associated it with Prednisone but will now think about it. My rheumy told me to wear compressions socks to see if that helps. It does a bit but I find them uncomfortable. I have to wear socks at night to keep my feet warm.


Interesting. I too have always worn socks at night to keep feet warm. Had my legs vessles tested last year and found that periferal veins had all spotaineously closed off. Dr. asked if I had previously had work done. (No). Now I wonder if it was pred related. (Of course rheumy says no.) Arteries are ok. Tis a puzzle.


A year on from developing PMR after the 1St Covid booster Vaccination I have neuropathy of my feet, never had it prior to that, feet either hot or cold and tingling. I have accepted it a part of the Syndrome for now?


Yes, I do have lower leg issues. I have had restless leg syndrome since I was 17.
I am 77 now. I have tarsal tunnel in my right foot. EMG tests show some nerve entrapnents in lower right leg also. This diagnosis came from podiatrist.
The vascular doctor has me wearing calf sleeves for 3 months before having leg ultrasounds for veins and arteries in legs. I am not suppose to wear calf sleeves at night. Just wearing the calf sleeves all day has helped my legs to feel much better at night. I went to vascular doctor because I was worried about possibly having GCA. She said any tests would be negative because I was on prednisone, but I mentioned my legs being miserable so she then addressed that issue.
It has been hard for me to separate whether my discomfort comes from PMR, prednisone, or other issues. I feel like my body is a mystery and the doctors are the detectives.


I have a history of cold feet (and varicose veins), but it did get worse following my hip replacement recovery and I was on 2 mg. of prednisone at that time. I've also noticed some extreme hip itching and tingling to my toes, primarily at night while in bed. The vast majority of my problems occur at night, even my PMR! I usually have my heated mattress pad on low during the winter months, but lately I've been overheating, so have turned it off. I'm not sure what changed because I'm still on 2 mg. Prednisone, but I did add a cardio dance classes twice a week, along with my aquatic fitness classes 3 times/week.

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