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Huntington's Disease

Brain & Nervous System | Last Active: Sep 17, 2018 | Replies (28)

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My husband's cousin died from this horrific disease. Everyone thought he was using drugs or alcohol with his slurring, behavior etc. It was too late. It progressed rapidly. He got violent at 2 nursing homes and was 'kicked' out. He was in his 50's. There can be a carrier of the gene in the family. No one else has seemed to have this but some of his siblings were tested and their dad was a carrier. Also he has a young adult daughter but she doesn't want to know if she carries the gene. I am so sorry. I hope you can find a support group. We do have a few around this area. It was an awful way to watch a loved one. But yet so many are....

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Replies to "My husband's cousin died from this horrific disease. Everyone thought he was using drugs or alcohol..."

Hello @dolan

We appreciate your adding your story of a family member who had this rare disorder of Huntington's Disease as well as your sympathetic words for those affected by it. While each story seems unique, they are also much the same in terms of diagnosis not coming quickly and the quirky symptoms often being diagnosed as something else. I am sorry to hear that your husband's cousin was so ill, I know it must have been very difficult for the whole family.
