Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Stage 2 - Treatment Plan?

Posted by journey99 @journey99, Feb 18, 2023

I am newly diagnosed with IDC Stage 2, 1.3 cm in size. Estrogen Receptor positive, Progesterone positive (1-10%) so not positive enough I have been told, HER2 negative. Ki-67 15%.
I meet with the oncologist, surgeon & radiologist next week. Looking for anyone that has had a similar diagnosis that would share what they had for a treatment plan. Surgery then chemo? Chemo than surgery has been mentioned. What questions I should ask the team? What are things I should consider? Any advice is helpful. I am being told radiation is for sure since lymph nodes are involved. Thank you in advance for sharing experiences and information.

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I am post menopausal and had a unilateral right side mastectomy last February with 2 stage reconstruction ( saline expander inserted at time of surgery and subsequently exchanged for permanent silicone implant) completed in July.
In Jan. 2022, after a “ normal “ mammo and ultrasound in October 2021 I requested an MRI due to a persistent symptom.

BOOM! I was diagnosed with 2 foci ( 2 tumors) unilateral IDC , stage II ( 2 sentinel nodes positive - 5 above those negative) grade II, both ER/PR + HER2- .

The Oncotype indicated that chemo would NOT be beneficial in my case. I am in month 10 of an Aromatase Inhibitor… also known as “hormone therapy “ which is prescribed to limit estrogen production in post menopausal women. I will be taking this for 5-7 years. Similar estrogen limiting therapy is prescribed for pre menopausal women who need to also shut down ovarian estrogen production.

The ONCOTYPE will inform your health team regarding need for ( benefit of) receiving chemo. Since 2015 70% of women with ER/PR + HER2- breast cancer diagnosis have been spared chemo. It’s possible that a non definitive PR + may exclude the option of the ONCOTYPING ( I don’t know).

That said, I understand that if you begin hormone therapy before typing an ONCOTYPE cannot be applied to the biopsy or surgical tissue; it will have been compromised.

A new trial , TAILOR RT is now looking at the need for ( benefit of) radiation therapy. I believe it’s designed to include 1-3 node positive status. It’s still in trial and not definitive. Worth reading about.

My breast surgeons did not recommend radiation but the radiation oncologist did. That’s why I researched the benefit/risk information and found the TAILOR RT trial . My IDC profile fit that trial parameter. One arm of trial was AI alone ( hormone therapy) the other arm was AI plus standard radiation. I opted out of radiation.

Going forward I will get a yearly mammo for healthy breast alternating with a yearly MRI (for both sides ) at 6 mos. Intervals.

It’s a huge learning curve and I am sorry that you have to go through this challenging journey. For me, information is a huge plus. I hope this information has been helpful to you.

Last week I had my annual MRI the same week as my surgery last year. I am ONE YEAR CANCER FREE!

Blessings in the path. 🌸

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Anybody have great pain after lumpectomy & argumentation & lymph dissection
One incision line is draining now
Been 10
Days and the pain
Is so bad


I am post menopausal and had a unilateral right side mastectomy last February with 2 stage reconstruction ( saline expander inserted at time of surgery and subsequently exchanged for permanent silicone implant) completed in July.
In Jan. 2022, after a “ normal “ mammo and ultrasound in October 2021 I requested an MRI due to a persistent symptom.

BOOM! I was diagnosed with 2 foci ( 2 tumors) unilateral IDC , stage II ( 2 sentinel nodes positive - 5 above those negative) grade II, both ER/PR + HER2- .

The Oncotype indicated that chemo would NOT be beneficial in my case. I am in month 10 of an Aromatase Inhibitor… also known as “hormone therapy “ which is prescribed to limit estrogen production in post menopausal women. I will be taking this for 5-7 years. Similar estrogen limiting therapy is prescribed for pre menopausal women who need to also shut down ovarian estrogen production.

The ONCOTYPE will inform your health team regarding need for ( benefit of) receiving chemo. Since 2015 70% of women with ER/PR + HER2- breast cancer diagnosis have been spared chemo. It’s possible that a non definitive PR + may exclude the option of the ONCOTYPING ( I don’t know).

That said, I understand that if you begin hormone therapy before typing an ONCOTYPE cannot be applied to the biopsy or surgical tissue; it will have been compromised.

A new trial , TAILOR RT is now looking at the need for ( benefit of) radiation therapy. I believe it’s designed to include 1-3 node positive status. It’s still in trial and not definitive. Worth reading about.

My breast surgeons did not recommend radiation but the radiation oncologist did. That’s why I researched the benefit/risk information and found the TAILOR RT trial . My IDC profile fit that trial parameter. One arm of trial was AI alone ( hormone therapy) the other arm was AI plus standard radiation. I opted out of radiation.

Going forward I will get a yearly mammo for healthy breast alternating with a yearly MRI (for both sides ) at 6 mos. Intervals.

It’s a huge learning curve and I am sorry that you have to go through this challenging journey. For me, information is a huge plus. I hope this information has been helpful to you.

Last week I had my annual MRI the same week as my surgery last year. I am ONE YEAR CANCER FREE!

Blessings in the path. 🌸

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Blessings to you...hope you remain cancer free in the many years to come.🙏🏼
And thank you for all of your information, advice and just being supportive.


Anybody have great pain after lumpectomy & argumentation & lymph dissection
One incision line is draining now
Been 10
Days and the pain
Is so bad

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As I have had a unilateral mastectomy I cannot speak to any aftercare if lumpectomy BUT it certainly sounds concerning that you would be in this much pain. After a mastectomy I was able to be relatively comfortable with prescription grade Tylenol or Advil by day two!

Please check back with your surgical team regarding your symptoms and if it were me I would insist on being seen in person so the area can be fully examined.

Best wishes to you for some relief and healing. 🌸


Anybody have great pain after lumpectomy & argumentation & lymph dissection
One incision line is draining now
Been 10
Days and the pain
Is so bad

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Perhaps there is a secondary cause.


Anybody have great pain after lumpectomy & argumentation & lymph dissection
One incision line is draining now
Been 10
Days and the pain
Is so bad

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Is there any chance of infection? @celica this is not normal 10 days out. Please call the surgeons office and ask to be seen. Yes there is a chance that there is a reasonable explanation, but you should not be suffering no matter what. Is there redness or heat near the site?


I have Stage 2 breast cancer and found out today that I have the Chek 2 gene mutation. Scheduled for lumpectomy in 3 weeks, and wondering if treatment plan should change from this. Anyone else have this situation? If you had this gene, did you change to mastectomy?


I have Stage 2 breast cancer and found out today that I have the Chek 2 gene mutation. Scheduled for lumpectomy in 3 weeks, and wondering if treatment plan should change from this. Anyone else have this situation? If you had this gene, did you change to mastectomy?

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Are you ILC or IDC? Is it in situ? Are you HER2 + or minus and have they told you the approximate size of the site?

Send a message to your Breast Surgeon with this question. They should be able to answer this.


Are you ILC or IDC? Is it in situ? Are you HER2 + or minus and have they told you the approximate size of the site?

Send a message to your Breast Surgeon with this question. They should be able to answer this.

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This was all in the pathological report that I got after my surgery. You should certainly be able to get this from your surgeon. Important info for you to have. ❤️


I have Stage 2 breast cancer and found out today that I have the Chek 2 gene mutation. Scheduled for lumpectomy in 3 weeks, and wondering if treatment plan should change from this. Anyone else have this situation? If you had this gene, did you change to mastectomy?

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Hi @journey99, I was wondering if you made a change to your surgical choice with finding out that you had the Chek2 mutation?


Hi @journey99, I was wondering if you made a change to your surgical choice with finding out that you had the Chek2 mutation?

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Discussed with the doctors and we are moving forward with lumpectomy as planned.

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