Handy back pain chart

Posted by cookierockwell @cookierockwell, Feb 14, 2023

I really don't like the 1 - 10 pain scale, so I keep a copy of this back pain chart in my tote bag. When a medical person asks me my pain level on a scale of one to 10, I whip this out and show them what I mean by the number I choose.

Thought I'd post it in case someone else might find it useful, too. It's in both JPG and PDF file format.

Best wishes,

Shared files

back pain chart PDF (back-pain-chart-PDF.pdf)

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This is great, @cookierockwell. I hadn't seen this before. It looks like it may have been created by Florida Surgery consultants, so I wanted to link to the original source, which also includes more explanation in the blog post:
- The Pain Scale of Back Pain https://www.floridasurgeryconsultants.com/the-pain-scale-of-back-pain/

I think other members will find this useful too.

The typical 1-10 pain scale often falls short for patients. Who's to say that my 5 would match the 5 of my doctor. This helps to describe the abilities (or lack thereof) with this additional descriptors.
Cookie, how has this improved communication between you and your providers?


This is great, @cookierockwell. I hadn't seen this before. It looks like it may have been created by Florida Surgery consultants, so I wanted to link to the original source, which also includes more explanation in the blog post:
- The Pain Scale of Back Pain https://www.floridasurgeryconsultants.com/the-pain-scale-of-back-pain/

I think other members will find this useful too.

The typical 1-10 pain scale often falls short for patients. Who's to say that my 5 would match the 5 of my doctor. This helps to describe the abilities (or lack thereof) with this additional descriptors.
Cookie, how has this improved communication between you and your providers?

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Thanks, Colleen. It's been an improvement with more than one doctor. PAs and RNs even asked for a copy.

I just say, "Let me show you something to make sure we're both talking about the same pain level." Now I know that when I say "3", or "5" or "9", my doctor or other health professional knows just what I mean.

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