What do you do for Neuropathy itch?

Good morning everyone. I am desperately in need of help with what is called Neuropathy itch. I have SFN (small fiber neuropathy) and am a medical cannabis user for pain. I don't know what to use for this itching. It appears that it reaches through several skin layers. No matter how much you scratch you make it worse, not better. Once you start itching, it's over....your are stuck scratching.

Have you tried certain baths? Oatmeal? I have a steroid cream called Triamcinolone Acetonide. Not exactly a wonder drug. Is there a better one?

The itching results in a terrible level of anxiety. I try to run away from it and cannot. It reminds me of summer in Minnesota when the mosquitoes launch their attacks. I am female with "O" negative blood which they just devour.

Even if you have a solution for other than neuropathy, please share and I will happily do the research. The stress of isolated living and a form of depression that is about our global community also creeps in.

The only thing that works right now for food is gelato.......Salted caramel, if you please. I hope you are all well and blessed with good health today.

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@artscaping Sarna is one thing I have not tried yet. Is it over the counter or on prescription? I have tried everything I can get my hands on but still continue to claw at my skin - night time being the worst.

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Hi there, @rashida. It's been a while since I saw that name. How are you doing? May I ask what you want Sarna to do for you? I got mine from Amazon. There are actually two different kinds. 1. Sarna Sensitive (skin) Anti-itch. 2. Sarna Anti-itch lotion (Original). I think there is also a third version ......Sarna Original Steroid-free.

I have several bottles here that are unopened. Unfortunately, this did not work for me and so my Dermatologist changed my treatment lotion to Dermeleve. It is a "catch as catch can" anti-itch creme. It is not the ultimate......however, it stops the itch within about 15 minutes and you are itch free for about 6 hours. I know everyone is different and this is what worked for me.

I now use Dupixent.....a twice a month injection that totally wipes out the Neuropathic itch. for me. I have not had any "itch" of any kind since the wonderful day in August last year when I gave myself the first injection.

Yes, it is a little discomforting when I inject it into one of my upper legs. However, that goes away is a few minutes.

I hope you get to try it.
May you then be free of suffering from what was even more than painful.......and that is the "itch".



Who is your dermatologist looking for one willing to try naltrexone etc. Please provide info

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This is a Canadian dermatologist, sorry !


Yes find a full ish spot on your stomach /abdomen where there is some fat. Muscle hurts more.


Hi there, @rashida. It's been a while since I saw that name. How are you doing? May I ask what you want Sarna to do for you? I got mine from Amazon. There are actually two different kinds. 1. Sarna Sensitive (skin) Anti-itch. 2. Sarna Anti-itch lotion (Original). I think there is also a third version ......Sarna Original Steroid-free.

I have several bottles here that are unopened. Unfortunately, this did not work for me and so my Dermatologist changed my treatment lotion to Dermeleve. It is a "catch as catch can" anti-itch creme. It is not the ultimate......however, it stops the itch within about 15 minutes and you are itch free for about 6 hours. I know everyone is different and this is what worked for me.

I now use Dupixent.....a twice a month injection that totally wipes out the Neuropathic itch. for me. I have not had any "itch" of any kind since the wonderful day in August last year when I gave myself the first injection.

Yes, it is a little discomforting when I inject it into one of my upper legs. However, that goes away is a few minutes.

I hope you get to try it.
May you then be free of suffering from what was even more than painful.......and that is the "itch".


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@artscaping I am interested in Sarna to stop my itching. Right now I am just grasping at straws. Picked up Nystatin cream in case the itching and flaking was other tha. Psoriasis since Skyhrizi is doing nothing for it. I also got some Aloe Vera gel to try, and a bottle of Polysporin anti itch lotion. Going to try each one and see what happens.

I am in Canada and will have to check up on Sarna, whether I can get it over the counter here. Some hints over the counter in the States can be by prescription only here.

I have just moved to another city and don’t have a GP. My dermatologist has given me a referral for a dermatologist here, but the appointment is not till May 1.


Our gastro doctor recommended a bile removal medication.. hasn't helped yet but its only been 2 weeks

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What is name of medication?


@artscaping I am interested in Sarna to stop my itching. Right now I am just grasping at straws. Picked up Nystatin cream in case the itching and flaking was other tha. Psoriasis since Skyhrizi is doing nothing for it. I also got some Aloe Vera gel to try, and a bottle of Polysporin anti itch lotion. Going to try each one and see what happens.

I am in Canada and will have to check up on Sarna, whether I can get it over the counter here. Some hints over the counter in the States can be by prescription only here.

I have just moved to another city and don’t have a GP. My dermatologist has given me a referral for a dermatologist here, but the appointment is not till May 1.

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Hi, regarding getting Sarna in Canada, I’m quite certain a few years back I was able to get Sarna, Original on Amazon Canada.


Hi, regarding getting Sarna in Canada, I’m quite certain a few years back I was able to get Sarna, Original on Amazon Canada.

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@polo thank you! I will check it out. If Sarna is available on Amazon Canada then it should be available over the counter too, I would imagine.

I already bought another product recommended by a friend and I will see if that works. It’s called Flexitol. I have the shampoo and the serum. It is easing the itching somewhat. I also had a teleconference with my dermatologist and she is faxing over a prescription to the pharmacy.


I have neuropathy in my feet. I have itching deep inside my toes that I can't scratch! They swell up a little. This happens when I go to bed sometimes. I use marijuana to relax, and rub my feet with aloe Lotion. It seems to relent if I can relax and be still until it subsides. If I try rubbing my feet on a carpet or scratching it just makes it worse.


Tried Aspercreme with Lidocain?


I realize your post was three years ago, but I just joined the group and thought I would reply. Hope you see this. I have neuropathy caused by a neck injury, severe arthritic changes to my vertebrae (C1 thru C7), four bulging discs in my neck with arthritic changes to the discs, etc. etc. etc. ad nauseum.
I get what I believe to be the same kind of itch, mostly in my hands and sometimes my legs and feet. Scratching only leads to blistering and abrasions/wounds. I take Zyrtec and Duloxetine (as prescribed) and it helps some. What I found that helps, if you can stand it, is plunging my hands into cold water or ice water. It seems to somewhat calm the itch. Otherwise, I drive the people in my household crazy with my constant scratching. Something else I recently discovered is putting my body lotion in the refrigerator, letting it get cold, and then using on the affected areas as much as necessary. I am hoping for a cure someday that will stop the itching and help me heal, and surgery is the last-ditch option. I live in Texas. Medical cannabis is available, but I would have to give up certain rights to use it, and all the other chronic pain meds would be discontinued. I pray that you have found a solution in the last three years. God bless!

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I will have to try putting my lotion in the refrigerator. I am itching constantly. Originally, my doctor prescribed allergy medication. My eyes, face, scalp, all itchy. Now years later the neurologist and rheumatologist are suggesting SFN. I have had numbness in my arms and legs for some time, which was supposedly due to disc herniations. I had a cervical fusion and still have numbness in my arms. In fact, all my symptoms have gotten worse over the last few months. Now it all makes sense that the itchiness, numbness, pain, burning, bug crawling feelings are all connected. I am so appreciative of all the suggestions on the mayoconnect. Thank you everyone for your stories and advice.

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