Will I be on seroquel forever?

Posted by kaylakoala @kaylakoala, Feb 6, 2023

In the summer of 2022, I (f27) took some hefty drugs for the first time (ketamine, acid, adderall). Shortly after (hours to days, but unsure), I entered a hypomanic episode (first ever). My previous psych history is generalized anxiety diagnosed at 15, with treatment by Zoloft (150mgs, taken from age 15 on). My family psych history is that my biological father (sperm donor who I was not raised with) has Bipolar 2, and was not diagnosed until his 40’s.

Back to 2022… I was hospitalized for hypomania, taken off my Zoloft, and put on abilify. Working with a psychiatrist, I went back on my Zoloft and slowly increased back to 150mg. About 3 wks later I entered my first ever depressive episode. It was bad enough that I was once again hospitalized. During hospitalization I was titrated up on Seroquel to the therapeutic dose (300mg per night). Over the next 2 mos I was also titrated up to 100mgs of Lamictal. I have been stable since mid August of 2022. And fully back to myself as of November 2022. I have been marijuana and alcohol free since July of 2022.

As I think about coming up on a year since this horrific summer, I’ve started to question a few things.

1. I’m unable to get a bipolar diagnosis due to the first episode being caused by drugs. What is the likelihood that I do actually have bipolar? (Having never had a manic or depressive episode by age 26).

2. Will I need to be on Seroquel for the rest of my life? It has a black box warning, what about when I want to have children? If I (with a psychiatrist) slowly go off the Seroquel, what’s the likelihood I’ll enter a hypomanic or depressive episode?

3. I’m not an alcoholic nor am I addicted to drugs (although since COVID I did use weed way too much), will I ever be able to drink or partake in pot ever again? Can I make a champagne toast at my wedding?

Any thoughts, feedback, ideas, or support are appreciated.

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Hi @kaylakoala, you may be interested in these related discussions:
- Can anybody share about being on SEROQUEL? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/seraquel/
- Getting off of Seroquel: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/getting-off-of-seroquel/

You're asking very good questions. Are you working with a therapist who can help answer your questions with medical knowledge?


I have a therapist and a psychiatrist but my psychiatrist doesn’t seem like the kind of doc open to these kind of discussions. Thanks for the ideas in other threads!


What about your therapist? Can’t you have this discussion with them and they can communicate with your psychiatrist for you if you feel you’re unable. I presume your psychiatrist is only doing medication management?

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