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Syncope, low B12, chronic fatigue

Brain & Nervous System | Last Active: Jan 14, 2022 | Replies (15)

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I have been diagnosed with Chiari Malformation and just recently had the Decompression Surgery. My doctors are currently looking into possible EDS and POTS. They tested me for vasovagal syncope but it was ruled out. My vague nerve was being compressed by the Chiari Malformation which was causing the passing out I was experiencing. I have lots of questions but have yet to come across anyone who has had a similar experience to me. Since with Chiari every case can be so different.

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Replies to "I have been diagnosed with Chiari Malformation and just recently had the Decompression Surgery. My doctors..."

Hi, @mec4 - I'd also like to recommend this discussion that's been going for a few years to present day on chiari malformation - on type 1, in particular -https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/chiari-malformation-type-1-20782d/. It might be interesting to read about others' experiences, and I'm sure they would be interested in hearing about yours, if you wish to share there.