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Positive Dysphotopsia after Cataract Surgery

Eye Conditions | Last Active: 6 days ago | Replies (170)

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Hi there. I am wondering if you have any updates on your PD? I got the Acrysof SN60WF distance lenses 6 months ago and have had issues since then with starbursts and diagonal light rays. Night driving is impossible and improved night driving is the ONLY reason I had the surgeries. I tried the drops with no success so I consented to YAG on my right eye which eliminated the wrinkle that was causing the diagonal "Maddox Rod" effect but starburst is just as bad or worse. I think the starburst is coming from the lens and not from PCO. I still can't drive at night or look at any bright light source in or outdoors (including the moon) without starburst. And now I have compromised my opportunity for lens exchange on that eye. I see very well on bright sunny days outside but cloudy days are uncomfortable. Seems like light is bouncing around. I have read the pros and cons of silicone lenses and am not convinced they would be better. I am to see a specialist tomorrow. I will then feel that I have at least exhausted my options. My guess is that I will have to learn to deal with this self imposed handicap.

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Replies to "Hi there. I am wondering if you have any updates on your PD? I got the..."

Mine continues as it has been. To explain my present symptoms, as best I can: I have light streaks that are prevalent whenever there is a light source to my left or above. Sunlight to my left when driving makes me raise my hand to protect it so I can concentrate. When night driving, the worst comes from headlights from cars behind me shining into my rearview mirror. I get the streaks from above from bright ceiling lights and the higher lights in stores, arenas etc.

On another note, I, finally, went ahead with my right eye cataract surgery 10 days ago. In appointments and 2nd opinions over the last year, surgeons had claimed that the SN60WF was the “best lens available”. Since I feared PD with surgery on this eye, I asked them if they could consider a silicone, round-edge IOL to lower my risk of long term PD. They went with a silicone, 3-piece from Bausch and Lomb. It is more rounded edge to avoid reflection. I don’t have full specs on it but will get them.

On January 26th, I had this cataract surgery, a FOV and a primary posterior capsulotomy of the right eye. They went with a B & L, round-edge, silicone IOL that I mentioned. Unfortunately, during surgery, I experienced a vitreous hemorrhage that (per the surgeon) needs a few weeks to clear. I don’t want to be too concerned till I give it some time to alleviate. Doctors seemed pleased and I have follow-up appointment this Thursday. Initially, this eye doesn’t seem to have “light artifacts” (PD) of any note. I’m hopeful and will update in a couple months.