PMR Dosages and Managing Symptoms

Posted by maryft @maryft, Aug 16, 2021

I've read through the discussions and note all the different dosages of prednisone, different lengths of time taking prednisone, plus the addition of other meds, for PMR. I also note that the tapering of dosages and time frames are so varied from person to person. It appears there is not a set standard among physicians. How does one know if they were/are receiving the right dosage? Obviously, if symptoms subside, the dose is working, but after tapering if the symptoms return, was the initial dosage correct? I've also read that a person shouldn't be on prednisone long term, but there are many who've been on it for a few years. Its all very confusing.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.


Hi @granger, I see that you started a new discussion on reducing prednisone but I thought I would respond to you in this discussion - PMR Dosages and Managing Symptoms: so that you can connect with other members with similar questions.

@kmeikle1, @ncgal, @tsc, @mymayoid and others may have some thoughts or suggestions on your question -
"Hi, I have another 6 weeks before I can see a rheumatologist. Would like to reduce prednisone but still have same pain level in hips and low back. Do I wait until I'm pain free to reduce medication or start slowly now? Sort of managing this on my own since diagnosed in November."

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Hi @granger, how much prednisone are you currently taking? In the chapter on PMR and GCA in Cecil and Goldman's Text Book of Medicine, the proper dosage of prednisone is supposed to dramatically reduce the pain of PMR. I was diagnosed with Giant Cell Arteritis so put on 40 mg of prednisone, which I reduced by 5 mg every two weeks. The rheumatologist told me to go back up to the previous dose if my pain came back, for two weeks, then try to go back down again.
Is it possible for you to talk to the doctor who gave you the prescription? Maybe your prescription needs to be tweaked. You shouldn't be left to manage this on your own.


Hi @granger, how much prednisone are you currently taking? In the chapter on PMR and GCA in Cecil and Goldman's Text Book of Medicine, the proper dosage of prednisone is supposed to dramatically reduce the pain of PMR. I was diagnosed with Giant Cell Arteritis so put on 40 mg of prednisone, which I reduced by 5 mg every two weeks. The rheumatologist told me to go back up to the previous dose if my pain came back, for two weeks, then try to go back down again.
Is it possible for you to talk to the doctor who gave you the prescription? Maybe your prescription needs to be tweaked. You shouldn't be left to manage this on your own.

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I was put on 20mg by my primary care. Pain went away. Worked down to 10mg. Then got bursitis and tendinitis. Went back up to 20mg. I see the new rheumatologist in 6 weeks.


I was put on 20mg by my primary care. Pain went away. Worked down to 10mg. Then got bursitis and tendinitis. Went back up to 20mg. I see the new rheumatologist in 6 weeks.

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Did you increase the prednisone because of bursitis and tendinitis or did the pain of PMR return?
My husband had bursitis and it was treated, with ibuprophen and acetaminophen, ice, then heat. It went away quickly.
NSAIDs like ibuphrophen are not recommended while on prednisone.
Have you spoken to your doctor about tapering again? That might be best.


I was diagnosed with PMR in July 2022 by my rheumotologist. Mine is only lower extremities as well. Have a hard time walking at times, especially after a day of being on my feet. Did predinose for almost a year (was prescribed prior to seeing my Rheumotologist), but need to get off. Going to start infusions soon. Hoping that works without the side effects.

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So many of your experiences are like what I am going through right now. I had to go back to 3mg and soon I will have to try and reduce to 2 1/2. I am apprehensive as I really don't want to feel anymore pain. I also have to find an osteoporosis treatment that also does not generate pain, not an easy one. I try and not get discouraged but it's hard when the worst illness I have had in the past was over on a couple of weeks. I have gathered some great help from realizing my Magnesium was of poor quality with only one element in the dose. So I found a better one with three elements and it has helped a great deal. To date, I have found answers and help in this forum every time I go into it. Thank you people.


I have recently been diagnosed with PMR. I have been on 20mg Prednisone for a week. I felt improved immediately but am still having pain in my hands all day and night. I'm just wondering if this is normal.


I don't know what is normal anymore. However, I also have the hand issues, and to be honest, they are my worst symptom. It is hard to remain positive. I have always been active and healthy and now almost everything I do causes some kind of discomfort. The sun is out today, and I plan to get out there and walk. That usually helps my mood and my aches. Thinking of you all and grateful for your support.


I have recently been diagnosed with PMR. I have been on 20mg Prednisone for a week. I felt improved immediately but am still having pain in my hands all day and night. I'm just wondering if this is normal.

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Welcome @7lori77, I think I would talk with my doctor or rheumatogist. I think normally prednisone will provide relief for all of the PMR symptoms unless there is another issue causing pain in the hands. There are other conditions that mimic PMR and might be involved.

-- Diseases that mimic polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR):

You mentioned that the 20 mg prednisone provided immediate relief. Did it also lessen the pain in your hands?


I don't know what is normal anymore. However, I also have the hand issues, and to be honest, they are my worst symptom. It is hard to remain positive. I have always been active and healthy and now almost everything I do causes some kind of discomfort. The sun is out today, and I plan to get out there and walk. That usually helps my mood and my aches. Thinking of you all and grateful for your support.

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Since being on 2 mg prednisone my wrists and thumb joints are painful again. The rheumatologist didn’t recommend I increase the dose. Sometimes I do take ES tylenol and it helps the achiness. It’s been going on now for about 6 weeks. I did have this wrist pain 2 years ago when first dx with PMR.


I was just diagnosed with PMR and the first available rheumatologist appointment isn’t for a month and a half. My GPS has me on 10 mg of prednisone after coming off of a six day pack.
The 10 mg seems to be working except I’m a little stiff and sore in the morning but other than that I’m OK.
I’m a little concerned that my appointment is so far out do you think 10 mg is OK for me to stay on until I see the rheumatologist


I was just diagnosed with PMR and the first available rheumatologist appointment isn’t for a month and a half. My GPS has me on 10 mg of prednisone after coming off of a six day pack.
The 10 mg seems to be working except I’m a little stiff and sore in the morning but other than that I’m OK.
I’m a little concerned that my appointment is so far out do you think 10 mg is OK for me to stay on until I see the rheumatologist

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If your pain is under control, it's a good starting point. PMR is a journey, thank goodness for this group. Vest wishes.

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