Statin discontinued due to neuropathy. What are some alternatives?

Posted by Nazir Khan @nukhan, Jan 19, 2020

I have been using Lipitor since 2007 for lowering my cholesterol which is on the list of those medicines that are suspected to cause neuropathy. I am thinking of discontinuing this menace but before doing so want to check with those members who have discontinued using statin and what is their experience. What alternative methods have they since adopted for lowering their cholesterol .. diet, alternative medication, exercise or anything else ?

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Do you know about ezetimibe

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I have been taking Zetia daily for several years now. I was also taking (Pitavastatin) Livolo along with it. I have suffered leg cramps, leg twitching and pulsing while sleeping and never getting enough sleep even though I was taking 300 mgs. of Gabapentin and 400 mgs. of Magnesium Citrate nightly. I have known people who had muscle problems, sometimes life changing problems, from taking statins so I asked my doctor if I could cut back on mine (my cholesterol levels were never really high). He agreed for me to cut the Livolo down to 2 days/week. It has alleviated enough of my nightly problems so that most nights I can get 7 to 8 hours of sleep with only minor interruptions.
I wonder if eliminating statins altogether would alleviate my leg problems, but my doctor is hesitant to agree.


I read that cholesterol meds cause nerve damage causing neuropathy. This deems to be what caused my symptoms. Has anyone heard or read more on this. My doctor prescribed Gabapentin 300mg 3 times daily.

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Hello @09med02 and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Other members have been discussion statins and neuropathy so you will notice that I have moved your post into an existing discussion which you can find here:
- Statin discontinued due to neuropathy. What are some alternatives?:

I see @njed has responded to you so will let the pair of you connect.


I disconnected using Ava


In 2009 I stopped taking Vytorin. I started exercise and changed my diet to controlled my cholesterol . I was prescribed Gabapinden 100mg for restless leg, I have now been diagnosed as having Periferial neuropathy and prescribed to take once daily Ropinirole 1mg and three times daily Gabapinden 300 mg. No cure. As my Mama use to say; What can't be cured, must be endured. I'm enduring !


Loma linda university is describing a new cutting edge technique.
I was diagnosed diabetic pn
I also had degenerative disc and sciatica emerge about the same time. I had trouble with atorvastatin, the next time they prescribed another statin,I forget the name when I went to the drug store the girl at the counter remarked " that made my grandma cry" I paid for it and disposed of it. I am working very hard on my diet. Last A1c came down from around 6.4 to 6.1 I am only getting 2-4thousand steps a day in plus an hour or two driving and housework
[ dont underestimate I have brought my glucose down fast cleaning] praying and trusting God.


Niacin/1000 mg- be aware of side effects at that level- red rash- itching- niacin flush/actually good for you- I take 500 mg morning and 500 mg at night-


I have been taking Zetia daily for several years now. I was also taking (Pitavastatin) Livolo along with it. I have suffered leg cramps, leg twitching and pulsing while sleeping and never getting enough sleep even though I was taking 300 mgs. of Gabapentin and 400 mgs. of Magnesium Citrate nightly. I have known people who had muscle problems, sometimes life changing problems, from taking statins so I asked my doctor if I could cut back on mine (my cholesterol levels were never really high). He agreed for me to cut the Livolo down to 2 days/week. It has alleviated enough of my nightly problems so that most nights I can get 7 to 8 hours of sleep with only minor interruptions.
I wonder if eliminating statins altogether would alleviate my leg problems, but my doctor is hesitant to agree.

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statins-help- heart-problems-with-the-arteries-no-c orrelation-with-neuropath y


My husband's neuropathy was definitely made much worse with Statins no matter what the study claims.
I agree about the niacin. I'm on 2000 am and 2000 pm. My husband on 500 and 500.
Here is some great info

I have been taking cholesterol medication for the last 20 odd years and a year ago I was diagnosed with PN... burning, numb, painful lower legs and feet... no doctor or neurologist seems able to help me so I have decided to make peace with the fact that my condition cannot be cured. Can anyone tell me if there is any natural cholesterol medication I can use in stead of the chemical one that contains the harmful statins? Will it improve my condition if I stopped taking the chemical cholesterol medicine?

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You may consider taking red yeast rice which is a natural Statin, but a lower dose. It works for many people. You also may know that you should be taking CQ10, preferably the ubiquinol form as statins deplete CQ10 which is concentrated in the heart muscle.


You may consider taking red yeast rice which is a natural Statin, but a lower dose. It works for many people. You also may know that you should be taking CQ10, preferably the ubiquinol form as statins deplete CQ10 which is concentrated in the heart muscle.

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I didn't know that. I've been taking simvastatin and CQ10 for years. Maybe that's why my neuropathy has not gotten worse.

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