
Posted by lorraine3 @lorraine3, Mar 9, 2018

I would be very interested to learn of anyone's experience with Viibyrd. I had been taking Paxil for years, but it was no longer working. I am a lifelong anxiety sufferer, and after doing some research, thought Lexapro might be best for me. However, doctor strongly believed Viibyrd was the way to go, so I switched to 10 mg Viibyrd one week ago. The side effects have been awful - brain zaps, vertigo, GI issues, nausea, brain fog. I have read that these side effects will not last forever, and that if you can get through the first horrible few weeks, the drug is a lifesaver for many. Can anyone in this group with real-life experience of Viibyrd comment? Thanks.

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Did you experience anything after taking only one dose of this medication?
I took my first dose tonight, and I am now supposed to take another medication for sleep, and now I am terrified to go to sleep!!!

Will these brain zaps, and paralysis happen after ONE DOSE???

Please respond if you can. Very anxious at the moment.
Thank YOU


I just started on Viibryd yesterday at 10 mg. I took the genesite test, which was covered by Medicare. The NP I saw for medicine management recommended it. I was taking Cymbalta 30 mg and Wellbutrin 100mg. Yum Alta was on the genesite list as one that wouldn’t work well for me and I have been taking it for approx 15 years! I added Wellbutrin to it several years ago as Well Turin by itself made me too anxious and the 30 mg of Cymbalta took the edge off. The goal is to go completely off of Wellbutrin and Cymbalta and only take Viibryd. I haven’t noticed any side effects yet. I am worried though about all of the contraindications with other drugs…I take Trazodone to help me sleep.There are a few others, Motrin, a cough medicine ingredient,aspirin ( allergist recommended I take a baby aspirin three times a week) hydrocodone (having surgery soon) etc. will have to look up brain zap, not sure what that is…


Please keep us posted on how this medication works for you! Good Luck!


Viibryd has been a lifesaver for me. I have treatment resistant depression, so DNA testing was done to see what would likely help me the most. I also take Deplin, as I do I not produce dopamine or seratonin without medicinal help. I have not experienced any side effects, unless you count constantly having a drink of water or tea or something in my hand.
As good as it makes me feel, I'll take it.
Here's to great success with your regimen and few if no side effects.


I was prescribed Viibryd for depression that had worsened with menopause. It was a 2nd choice med, first tried Trintellix, which I liked for several reasons, but caused horrible stomach upset, that would not decrease over time. Viibryd also considered less likely to cause weight gain. I had an extremely hard time getting the right dosage. The “come-down” (that time right before your next scheduled dose) was usually met with stomach upset (reflux-ish) and negative thoughts. After years of taking reluctantly, a new doctor suggested Effexor, due to reports of helping with menopause symptoms. Much better fit for me.


I don’t know if anyone is still following this thread. I was just prescribed Viibryd for severe depression after other meds didn’t work. I have trouble staying meds due to side effects. So far the only bad side effect is insomnia. I’m hoping that will go away and trying to take sleep aids. But I’m terrified of the “brain zaps” and sleep paralysis I keep hearing about. Has anyone been on this drug long term with success?


Did your dr not have u taper off the Paxil for awhile first while starting at the lowest dose the first month of the Viibryd? Paxil is
the one of hardest antidepressants to switch from. If I don’t have my Cymbalta for 2-3 days I will b laying on the couch trying to sleep and it sounds like a plane just crashed into the side of my house. I can’t imagine what weeks of that would b like cause 2-3 days and I’m near psychotic with anxiety. Best of luck with the switch but talk to your dr about the effects you are having. They are worrying


I don’t know if anyone is still following this thread. I was just prescribed Viibryd for severe depression after other meds didn’t work. I have trouble staying meds due to side effects. So far the only bad side effect is insomnia. I’m hoping that will go away and trying to take sleep aids. But I’m terrified of the “brain zaps” and sleep paralysis I keep hearing about. Has anyone been on this drug long term with success?

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Btw My psychologist tried to get to switch from Cymbalta that I’ve been on for 15+ yrs to Viibryd last year. I haven’t been brave enough to try or really think
I need to switch


I was prescribed Viibryd for depression that had worsened with menopause. It was a 2nd choice med, first tried Trintellix, which I liked for several reasons, but caused horrible stomach upset, that would not decrease over time. Viibryd also considered less likely to cause weight gain. I had an extremely hard time getting the right dosage. The “come-down” (that time right before your next scheduled dose) was usually met with stomach upset (reflux-ish) and negative thoughts. After years of taking reluctantly, a new doctor suggested Effexor, due to reports of helping with menopause symptoms. Much better fit for me.

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I saw a psychologist last year due to a late stage cancer breast diagnosis and he wanted to change me from Cymbalta that I’ve been on for 15+ to Viibryd. I didn’t end up stitching cause my mental health has been pretty fragile since the 4 months of chemo, a double mastectomy surgery, then reconstruction, and finally a total hysterectomy to round out 2022. I did t think putting myself through that. I may try this year sometime but with all the hormone suppression junk I’m on I don’t know how soon that will be. How are the Effexor working out for u?


I don’t know if anyone is still following this thread. I was just prescribed Viibryd for severe depression after other meds didn’t work. I have trouble staying meds due to side effects. So far the only bad side effect is insomnia. I’m hoping that will go away and trying to take sleep aids. But I’m terrified of the “brain zaps” and sleep paralysis I keep hearing about. Has anyone been on this drug long term with success?

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I would think the brain zaps, insomnia, and anxiety is more related to the switching to it from another or multiple antidepressants than it is a side effect of just taking the Viibryd. I’m gonna try to make the swap sometime this year from Cymbalta 60mg that I’ve been on for 15 yrs to Viibryd but I know if I miss 2 days of my Cymbalta I have all those symptoms. I’m just being a scaredy cat lol
Best of luck to u if u end up taking it👍

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